
Rongpeng and Sawsan received the competitive FRQNT postdoctoral and doctoral scholarships, respectively. Big congratulations!

     Mingqiu was among the finalists of Grid Edge Technologies Dissertation Prize Challenge to be held at the IEEE PES Grid Edge  Technologies Conference and Exposition 2023. Congratulations!

    Xiaoting received the FRQNT doctoral scholarship! Congratulations and well done!

I received tenure and have been promoted to Associate Professor. 

Our paper  "A Sparse Polynomial Chaos Expansion-Based Method for Probabilistic Transient Stability Assessment and Enhancement" has been selected as one of the Best Papers (top 5% among 800 accepted papers) in 2022 IEEE PESGM. Congratulations to Jingyu and Xiaoting!

Dr. Georgia Pierrou has received the prestigious D. W. Ambridge McGill Convocation Prize for 2022 (1-2 recipients per year from all Master's and Ph. D. graduates in physical sciences and engineering)

     Dr. Georgia Pierrou has been selected as one of the 25 Green Talents hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (25 awardees out of 467 applicants). She will also move on to a new journey as a postdoctoral fellow at ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Congratulations! 

     I am elevated to IEEE Senior Member. 

     Congratulations to Jinpeng for getting the Student Travel Award for the 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)!

    Georgia was among the 12 finalists in the Quebec Association for the Production of Renewable Energy (AQPER) student contest 2020 (14% success rate). Congratulations! 

      Mingqiu Du and Yaojie Cai joined the group as PhD candidates. Welcome!

       Congratulations to Dr. Hao Sheng for his new academic journey at Tianjin University as an Associate Professor!

       Our paper " A Periodogram-Based Method to Identify Forced and Natural Oscillations Using PMUs" has been selected as one of the Best Papers (top 5% among 800 accepted papers) in 2019 IEEE PESGM. Congratulations to Qinye!

         Jingyu Liu and Xiaoting Wang joined the group as PhD candidates. Welcome!

         Our paper ''Estimating Participation Factors and Mode Shapes for Electromechanical Oscillations in Ambient Conditions''  received the second prize in IEEE WIE best paper competition held in 2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering. 

         Our paper "An Approach to Constructing Analytical Energy Function for Synchronous Generator Models with Subtransient Dynamics" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 

        Our paper "Applying Polynomial Chaos Expansion to Assess Probabilistic Available Delivery Capability for Distribution Networks with Renewables" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 

        Our paper "Estimating Participation Factors and Mode Shapes for Electromechanical Oscillations in Ambient Conditions" has won the second prize in WIE best paper competition held in 2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE).

        Hao Sheng joined the research group as a postdoc. Welcome! 

        Our paper "Probabilistic Available Delivery Capability of General Distribution Networks with Renewables" is presented at IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2017.

Georgia Pierrou, Ilias Zenelis, and Baylor Ge joined the research group.  Welcome!

Our paper "PMU-Based Estimation of Dynamic State Jacobian Matrix and Dynamic System State Matrix in Ambient   Conditions" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 

Our paper "PMU-Based Estimation of Dynamic State Jacobian Matrix" is accepted by IEEE ISCAS 2017. 

The paper "Estimating Dynamic Load Parameters from Ambient PMU Measurements" is accepted by IEEE PES general meeting 2017.

Our paper "A Framework for Dynamic Stability Analysis of Power Systems with Volatile Wind Power" is accepted by IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems.