Awards and Experience

Awards and Licensing

2024                Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Resilient and Stable Zero-Emission Electric Power Grids

2023                Rubin & So Foundation Faculty Scholar Award from TISED McGill. 

2022                Best Papers Award in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2022 (Top 5% among ~800 accepted papers)

2020                IEEE Senior Membership

2020                Professional Engineer in Ontario 

2019               Best Papers Award in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2019 (Top 5% among ~800 accepted papers)

2018               IEEE Women in Engineering Best Paper Award (the second prize)  in 2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer                             Engineering (CCECE)

2017               Peter Silvester Award at McGill University

Before 2016 (selected)

Jacobs Fellowship at Cornell University

Outstanding Graduates of Zhejiang University

Outstanding Graduation Thesis of Zhejiang University

Chinese National Scholarship 

First-class Excellent Student Scholarship of Zhejiang University

Fung Scholarship by Li & Fung Group

International Exchange Award of Zhejiang University

Student Honors and Awards

2024/04 Mohan Du (PhD student) received the FRQNT Postdoctoral Scholarship for 2024-2027. He ranked 1st among 18 applications within the committee.   

2024/04 Mahsa Ebadat Parast (PhD student) received the FRQNT Postdoctoral Scholarship for 2024-2028. She ranked 4th among 18 applications within the committee.   

2023/04 Rongpeng Liu (Postdoctoral Associate) received the FRQNT Postdoctoral Scholarship for 2023-2025. He ranked 2nd among 8 applications within the committee.   

2023/04 Sawsan Sayed (PhD student)  received the FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship for 2023-2027. She ranked 8th among 25 applications within the committee.   

2023/1 Mingqiu Du (PhD student) was among the finalists of Grid Edge Technologies Dissertation Prize Challenge to be held at the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference and Exposition 2023. 

2022/6 Xiaoting Wang (PhD student) received the FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship for 2022-2024. She ranked 4th among 22 applications within the committee.   

2022/5  Dr. Georgia Pierrou received the prestigious D. W. Ambridge McGill Convocation Prize for 2022 (1-2 recipients per year from all Master and Ph. D. graduates in physical sciences and engineering). 

2021/10   Georgia Pierrou (PhD student) is selected as one of the 25 Green Talents hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (25 awardees out of 467 applicants). 

2021/7   Mingqiu Du (PhD student) got McGill's PGSS Travel Award for the 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting.

2021/7   Ilias Zenelis (PhD student) got McGill's PGSS Travel Award for the 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting.

2020/6    Jinpeng Guo (PhD student) got the Student Travel Award for the 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)

2020/2    Georgia Pierrou (PhD student) was among the 12 finalists in the Quebec Association for the Production of Renewable Energy (AQPER) student contest 2020  (14% success rate)

2020/1    Ilias Zenelis (PhD student) received the Hellenic Scholarships Foundation Fellowship

2019/2    Georgia Pierrou (PhD student) received the Hellenic Scholarships Foundation Fellowship

2017/9    Georgia Pierrou (PhD student) received the Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation Fellowship


2019-present    Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems  

2019-present    Associate Editor for IEEE Power Engineering Letters

2017-present    Guest Associate Editor for International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

2019-present    Associate Editor for IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

2019-2021         Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs

2021-2022         Guest Associate Editor, A special issue on IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 


At McGill

ECSE 361/362 Fundamentals of Power Engineering                                                       2016 W, 2018 W, 2019 W, 2020 W, 2020F

ECSE 461 Electric Machinery                                                                                               2018 W, 2019 W, 2019 F, 2021 W, 2021F, 2022W

ECSE 688/522  Nonlinear Phenomena in Power Systems Dynamics                           2018 Fall, 2019 F, 2021W, 2022W

Before joining McGill (at Cornell)

TA for ECE 4110: Random Signals in Communications and Signal Processing            2014 Fall

Teaching Assistant for ECE 4510: Electric Power Systems I                                            2012 Fall

Grader for ECE 5960: Advanced Topics in ECE                                                                 2012 Spring 

Grader for ECE 2200: Signals and Systems                                                                       2011 Spring 

Work Experience

Summer 2014  Research Aide at Argonne National Laboratory