Highlights and grants

2024      DFG grant "Flapping propulsion near water-air interface" awarded to our group

2024      Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers awarded to our group

2024      Fellowship of the Daimler and Benz Foundation for Junior Professors and Postdocs

2024      Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdocs awarded to our group 

2023      DFG grant "The new core paradox, the stable layer, and double diffusive convection in Earth’s core" awarded to our group

2022      Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdocs awarded to our group

2021      Free floating Max Planck Research Group grant.

2019      Christiaan Huygens Science Award for the top three best physics research in the Netherlands in last three years.

2019      Journal of Fluid Mechanics highlights our work in Focus on Fluids.

2019      Postdoc Award for Professional Development from Harvard University, USA.

2019      David Crighton Fellowship from the University of Cambridge, UK.

2019      Science Communication Poster Prize at Physics@Veldhoven.

2018      2nd price in the AFMS video competition and 3rd price in AFMS Photo competition (Australian Fluid Mechanics Society gallery).

2018      NWO Physics Thesis Award (the best Physics thesis in the Netherlands).

2018      Overijssel PhD Award (the best thesis in the Dutch province of Overijssel).

2018      Cover article in Physical Review Letters, vol. 120, Issue 14.

2018      Cover article in Soft Matter, 14, 2006-2014.

2018      Nature Physics highlights our work: "Ultimate evidence for the ultimate regime". 

2018      ERCOFTAC Da Vinci Award for the top five best Fluid Mechanics doctoral research in Europe. 

2017      Chinese Government Award for outstanding self financed students abroad.    

2017      First place of the ARCHER (UK national supercomputing facility) Image Competition.

2017      Editors' suggestion article in Physical Review Letters, 119, 054501, also covered by Phys.Org.