Fluid Dynamics Seminar in Harvard

Under the general support from Prof. Shing-Tung Yau (丘成桐) and the Center of Mathematic Sciences and Applications, I have the opportunity to organize a fluid dynamics seminar series every Wednesday at 3pm in G10, CMSA building, 29 Garden Street, Cambridge. I will try to put every speaker's presentation here for those who are interested.

Professor Jörn Dunkel from MIT on May 22th, 2019

Professor Tamer Zaki from John Hopkins University on May 15th, 2019

Dr. David Sondak from Harvard on May 1st, 2019

Dr. Neel Patel from University of Michigan on April 25th, 2019

Local Existence and Blow-Up for SQG Patches

Professor Heng Xiao from Virginia Tech on April 24th, 2019

Turbulence Modeling in the Age of Data: From Data Assimilation to Machine Learning

Dr. Maziar Raissi from Nvidia on April 17th, 2019

Hidden Physics Models: Machine Learning of Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations

Professor Luc Deike from Princeton University on April 10th, 2019

Wave breaking in ocean atmosphere interactions

Professor Chris Rycroft from Harvard University on April 3th, 2019

The reference map technique simulating complex materials and many-body interactions

Professor Paris Perdikaris from University of Pennsylvania on March 20th, 2019

Data-driven modeling of stochastic systems using physics-aware deep learning

Dr. Zhong Yi Wan from MIT on March 6th, 2019

Finite Size Particles in Fluid Flows: A blended slow manifold approach

Dr. Xiaolin Wang from Harvard on February 20th, 2019

The effect of piezoelectric material on the stability of flexible flags