Video search in Google 

Blocking YouTube Video Search in Google Workspace for Enhanced Student Safety

In today's digital age, educators and administrators are continually seeking ways to create a secure online learning environment for students. Google Workspace for Education (GWFE) offers a range of helpful tools, but it's crucial to ensure that these tools are used in a safe and controlled manner. One such concern is restricting access to YouTube video search within the Google Workspace ecosystem, as it can expose students to inappropriate content. In this article, we will guide GWFE administrators and educators on how to block YouTube video search in Google Workspace to enhance security and compliance with regulations like the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Understanding the Challenge

Google Slides, Google Forms, Google Classroom, and Google Sites all have a feature that allows K-12 students to search for YouTube videos and insert them into their presentations, assignments, or websites. While Google Workspace offers SafeSearch and the ability to block the YouTube domain, some administrators have reported instances where students circumvent these measures to access age-restricted videos. Unfortunately, the Google Admin Console does not provide an option to disable this feature.

The Solution: Safe Doc

To address this issue effectively and improve the security of your students' Chromebooks, you can turn to Safe Doc—a valuable tool that comes to the rescue. Safe Doc helps block YouTube video search in these cloud apps, reducing the risk of exposure to inappropriate content and ensuring a safer learning environment.

If you haven't installed Safe Doc yet, you can begin with a 30-day trial for your school to experience its benefits.

Deploying and Configuring Safe Doc

To get started with Safe Doc, you must first install it following the provided instructions in "Deploy Safe Doc To Your Students’ Chrome Browsers." Additionally, it's essential to understand how Safe Doc Configuration works to tailor it to your specific needs.

The key feature we are focusing on is the ability to control YouTube video search. This feature is managed by the "EnableVideoSearch" policy within Safe Doc. When the policy's value is either not set or set to false, YouTube video search blocking is enforced. However, if the policy value is set to true, the blocking is not enforced.

Blocking YouTube Video Search in Google Slides

In Google Slides, the YouTube video search feature can be accessed through the "Insert > Video" menu. Within the popup dialog, students have the freedom to search for videos using any keywords. With Safe Doc installed, this search tab is no longer visible to students. They won't even be aware that such a search feature exists. However, students still have the option to paste a YouTube URL in the "By URL" section within the Google Drive tab.

Safe Doc effectively blocks the YouTube video search feature in Google Slides, contributing to a safer learning environment.

Blocking YouTube Video Search in Google Forms

Similarly, you can also block video insertion in Google Forms. The "Add video" button within Forms provides a visible example of how students can trigger the video search. Safe Doc intervenes and removes the video search capability while preserving the option to paste a YouTube URL.

Removing Video Insertion in Google Classroom

In Google Classroom, students can explore and share videos in class streams using the "Announce something to your class" option. Unfortunately, this feature is sometimes abused, leading to distractions. Safe Doc ensures that the video search button is entirely removed from students' accounts, promoting a more focused learning environment.

Blocking YouTube Search in Google Sites

For domains that enable Google Sites, students can natively search for, insert, and watch YouTube videos within the Google Sites Editor. Safe Doc effectively blocks this YouTube video searching capability, adding another layer of protection.


Safe Doc serves as a powerful tool for GWFE administrators and educators who are committed to creating a secure and regulated online learning environment. By blocking YouTube video search in Google Workspace, you not only enhance the safety of your students but also ensure compliance with regulations like CIPA. By implementing Safe Doc, you take a proactive step toward a more secure and productive digital learning space for your students.

With the ability to block YouTube video search, you provide a safer and more focused learning environment, empowering educators and students to make the most of the powerful tools offered by Google Workspace for Education.

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