Removing Inappropriate Google Sheets Functions

Removing Inappropriate Google Sheets Functions: A Safe Doc Guide for G Suite for Education Administrators

For G Suite for Education Administrators, ensuring a secure and conducive online learning environment is paramount. Google Sheets, a versatile tool in the education tech arsenal, boasts a vast array of functions that facilitate various tasks. However, some functions may inadvertently breach the boundaries of appropriateness, allowing students to access content beyond the intended scope. This article delves into the proactive approach of Safe Doc in curtailing such google sheets functions, providing administrators with the tools to create a safer digital space.

Identifying the Culprits: IMAGE and IMPORTFEED Functions

Among the functions that might raise concerns are IMAGE and IMPORTFEED. The IMAGE function enables students to insert web images using URLs, potentially leading to the incorporation of inappropriate visual content. Meanwhile, IMPORTFEED allows students to load and read online news feeds within their sheets, potentially exposing them to unfiltered external information.

![IMAGE function](insert image URL here) The IMAGE function in Google Sheets allows students to insert web images by URLs.

![IMPORTFEED function](insert image URL here) The IMPORTFEED function in Google Sheets can load news feeds. 

Safe Doc Intervention: Blacklisting Inappropriate Functions

Safe Doc empowers administrators to proactively tackle these concerns by blacklisting specific functions. The result is the removal of these functions from the Insert > Function menu, the toolbar's Function button, search results, and auto-completion menus.

![Insert Function Menu](insert image URL here) Inappropriate functions removed from Insert > Function menu.

![Toolbar's Function Button](insert image URL here) Inappropriate functions removed from the Function button in the toolbar.

Help > Search the Menus: Safe Doc filters out blacklisted functions from search results when students try to search for functions through Help > Search the menus. 

![Search the Menus](insert image URL here) Inappropriate functions removed from Help > Search the menus.

![Auto-completion Menu](insert image URL here) Inappropriate functions removed from auto-completion menu.

![Function Usage Assistance](insert image URL here) Inappropriate functions have no more usage assistance.

Implementation Guide: How to Get Started with Safe Doc?

To implement Safe Doc's function-blocking feature, administrators need to feed the policy BlockSheetFunctions with a list of function names to block. The configuration is straightforward, allowing administrators to customize the level of restriction based on their preferences.

"BlockSheetFunctions": { "Value": ["IMPORTFEED", "IMAGE"] }

Limitations: While Safe Doc effectively removes the visibility of inappropriate functions, it's important to note that it does not interfere with the functionality of these functions. If students manually type a formula correctly, the functions will behave as usual.

In conclusion, Safe Doc emerges as a valuable tool for G Suite for Education Administrators striving to maintain a secure and focused digital learning environment. By strategically blocking inappropriate functions, administrators can wield Safe Doc to shape a safer and more controlled online educational landscape.

Want to find out more about Google Sheets functions? Visit us at xFanatical!