About Us

Bringing more than just soundwaves to its patch of Glasgow, East End Community Radio aims to give people a platform for their own voice.

The local station is welcoming residents across the East End to not just listen, but also take part in shaping their own broadcasting hub.

From the station’s home within Helenslea Community Hub in Braidfauld, co-owner and presenter, John ‘Toby’ Flannigan, explains: “Our drive is an up and coming community radio station where we can show kids and adults an avenue into broadcasting.

“We’ll teach them how to produce a show from start to finish with music and interviews among the content.”

Toby and fellow co-owner and presenter Stuart James have combined their passion for radio with a desire to see East End talent flourish.

With Toby’s role as a youth work volunteer and community champion at Asda Forge mixed with Stuart’s background in hospital radio — most recently as presenter of Southern Sound hospital radio broadcasting to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital — the duo have big ambitions for the station.

Naturally shy, quiet man Stuart comes alive when the On Air light comes on.

He says: “We want to give the East End of Glasgow its voice again.”

For Toby it’s an idea that’s been four years in the making. Following a successful application of just under £10,000 from this year's Participatory Budget for Calton Ward 9, the venture has found its home and been kitted out with the latest in broadcast technology thanks to support from the community.

The station is proud to have its home at the Helenslea Community Hall, welcomed by the hub's co-ordinator Michael McCourt.

Michael says: "The community radio station starting up is evidence of people working together. I’ve got a budget for the building, and as soon as it was okayed I met up with Toby and Stuart and we were able to support them with connecting with local companies."

Among those who've formed a partnership with the station is help is Gary Harkins, Curriculum Manager for Community Engagement at Glasgow Kelvin College.

Sharing how the college will connect on an educational basis, Gary says: "We're delighted we are able to be involved in this very worthwhile project at Helenslea.

"Our Widening Access Fund helps us support our partners and deliver skills for life and work to young people in our communities.

Gary adds: "This exciting new radio project offers an entirely new experience for people in the East End and Glasgow Kelvin College is looking forward to supporting this development through a range of learning opportunities."

With its motto 'Your voice for your choice,' Toby and Stuart have broadcast a few early shows ahead of their official launch on Saturday 10th August, when they'll go on air between noon and 3pm.

Looking beyond the launch, Toby says: "Our main objective is to get most of the kids in the area involved in some sort of capacity, whether they want to come in and play tunes or speak during a wee half hour show giving them that wee bit of confidence. They may never get that chance otherwise."

To connect with East End Community Radio, follow the station on Facebook and Twitter.