Fall 2023 GIS/Fish Graduate Position

GIS/Fish Ecology Graduate Student Position at WWU 

The College of the Environment at Western Washington University has a graduate research position available to begin Fall 2023. This graduate student will be co-supervised by Dr. Kathryn Sobocinski in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Dr. Aquila Flower in the Department of Environmental Studies. The position will be funded on an existing grant for 2 years and the research will involve the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to assess habitat change with respect to juvenile salmon in the estuaries and river deltas within the Whidbey Basin, WA. This project is part of a larger collaborative effort on assessing the benefits to Pacific salmon of multiple restoration projects through a cumulative effects analysis.

Candidates must meet admission criteria for graduate study through either the Department of Environmental Studies (MA) or the Department of Environmental Sciences (MS) in the Marine and Estuarine Science Program at WWU.

In addition to the requirements for admission to the graduate program, the best candidates will have:

One or more previous classes in GIS

Understanding of basic salmon ecology and estuarine ecosystems

Ability and interest in working with partner scientists at Tribal, State, and Federal agencies

Motivation to complete the necessary research and thesis to complete the degree

Additionally, the ability to conduct field research is desirable, which includes driving.

More information about the work of both researchers can be found here:

Dr. Flower: https://wp.wwu.edu/flower/

Dr. Sobocinski: https://sites.google.com/view/wwucoastalandmarinefishlab/home

To apply, email Dr. Kathryn Sobocinski (sobocik@wwu.edu) a single PDF containing: a cover letter expressing experience and interest, CV/resume, a writing sample (e.g., undergraduate thesis or term paper), and undergraduate transcripts (unofficial is fine) by June 30, 2023.