CDI & PDI Teach

Hello PCIT enthusiasts! 

Dr. McNeil and the WVU PCIT Lab are thrilled to share with you two new resources we created for therapists to use during CDI and PDI Teach sessions: CDI and PDI Teach PowerPoint presentations. These slides were modeled after the CDI and PDI Teach session outlines in the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Protocol (Eyberg & Funderburk, 2011) and the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy book (McNeil & Hembree-Kigin, 2010). We developed these CDI and PDI Teach presentations to provide therapists with a visual aid to use during Internet-PCIT sessions; however, we have found these slides to be just as helpful during in-person sessions. A huge thank you to: 

Please feel free to share these with anyone who may find these helpful! 

Let's TaLk About Values

We'd like to highlight our "Let's Talk About Values" slide, which is found in both the CDI and PDI Teach slides. We encourage you to use the "Let's Talk About Values" slide and symbols as a springboard for conversation with your families about aspects of their family values and beliefs, parenting history, and culture that are meaningful and salient to them.



With skill demonstration videos 

Without skill demonstration videos 

Click here to download the CDI Teach demonstration videos.

PDI Teach

With skill demonstration videos

Without skill demonstration videos 

Click here to download the PDI Teach demonstration videos.



Con videos 

Sin videos 

Click here to download the Spanish CDI Teach demonstration videos.


Con videos

Sin videos

Click here to download the Spanish PDI Teach demonstration videos.

Dr. McNeil's Webinar on "Improving Child Behavior in 5 Minutes a Day!" hosted by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Parenting & Families Special Interest Group.

Questions? Comments?

We welcome any feedback related to these resources. Questions and comments concerning the CDI and PDI Teach slides can be directed to Robin Han ( Thank you!