
WVu pcit lab Diversity Statement

WVU PCIT Lab denounces racism and all other forms of discrimination.


The WVU PCIT Lab is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion of all groups from every nationality, race, religion, creed, gender, and sexual orientation on our team and within our research. As individuals and a team, we stand in solidarity with underserved and marginalized communities and denounce actions, policies, and systems that perpetuate prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors. We stand in allyship with the Black community and support the Black Lives Matter movement. We stand in support of the Asian and Asian American community and condemn the rise in anti-Asian violence over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.


We also stand to promote the inclusion of women in higher education and the field of psychological science through a safe and equitable lab environment. As a lab devoted to parenting, we also support mothers, fathers, and other caregivers who are attempting to balance the heavy commitments of academia and the care of family members. Furthermore, the PCIT Lab is devoted to individuals who are typically underrepresented in doctoral programs, including first generation college students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds.


As a lab, we are committed to elevating diversity, equity, and inclusion in five main areas: (1) lab culture, (2) undergraduate and graduate training, (3) clinical psychological services, (4) research production, and (5) increasing the access of evidence-based treatments.

The WVU PCIT Lab will foster sustainable change by creating a yearly strategic action plan, aiming to achieve realistic and scalable action items, and identifying opportunities for continued growth. 


The PCIT lab will aim to achieve the following goals within the 2023-2024 year: