Member benefits 

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CTA Disaster Relief Fund

The CTA Disaster Relief Fund is a separate, special fund for members of CTA through voluntary contributions from CTA members, and through CTA fundraising drives throughout the year. The fund, administered by CTA Member Benefits Department, is endowed to provide financial assistance to CTA members who have experienced significant losses due to natural or other disasters in California.


CTA IFT Mission Statement:

The CTA Institute for Teaching mission is to enhance, support, and sustain high-quality teaching and high-quality public schools for all California students.  Through mobilizing teachers, special programs, research, conferences, networking, nd community-based coalitions,  the CTA Institute for Teaching seeks to advance public education and promote the common good of our students and communities.

IFT Grants

IFT helps all students and schools by awarding grants directly to CTA members and local chapters. To date, CTA members have funded 643 grant projects totaling more than $7.6 million. All CTA members are eligible to apply for grants.

Grants available for the 2025-2026 school year include:

Application Period: December 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025

Awarded IFT Grants will be implemented during the 2025-2026 school year.

CTA Member Benefits Savings Flyer 2024.pdf

Join CTA Member Benefits every first Tuesday of the month, 4 pm PST, to learn about your member benefits here

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Here's a schedule of the topics we will be covering each month. Can't wait to see you there!

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