Robot Rodeo

A discussion of the round-up: how your robot performed, how others performed, shortcomings of the robot and suggestions for improvement.

How Our Robot Performed:

Our robot performs okay. It would be able to grab gold if it was close by. It would fail when it would run into a pit or a Wumpus when the gold was farther away, which is what happened with our robot during the first round of the Round Up.

How Other Robots Performed:

Most of the robots were able to pass the easier boards. Less and less groups were successful as the boards became more difficult. What varied from group to group was the efficiency of the robot, both in terms of how many steps the robot took as well as how many lines their code was. Compared to our robot, the robots of other groups were far more cautious in the very beginning, yet, for some reason, our robot still fell into a pit!

Shortcomings of Robot and Suggestions for Improvement:

We wish the robot was able to get gold that was on the other side of the map. In the future, we could refine our program logic to better avoid pits and Wumpus's. Eventually, we could get our program to definitively predict where the Wumpus's are, so we can use arrows to kill them.