Project Log

Dates: 11/15/2020-11/23/2020 Estimated Time Spent: 5 hours

A WebEx Teams Project Space is Created with Minds and Machines Students also trying to solve the Wumpus world problem. During this time span, we attempted to run the simulation using our operating systems. Eventually, we decided that we needed to use an Integrated Developing Environment known as PyCharm in order to be able to run the simulation. Also, we must be using a Windows operating system if we don't wish to change too much of the code of the simulation. This process of figuring out our current working environments would not work took about 5 hours over the span of 11/15/2020 to 11/23/2020.

Dates: 11/23/2020 Estimated Time Spent: 2 hours

Now that we have a working environment, we decided to draft a basic algorithm in Psuedo Code (ie. not in Python). Although we spent a considerable amount of time on this, we quickly realized we have no idea whether our algorithm would work unless we jumped into writing and running the algorithm into a Python development environment.

Dates: 11/23/2020-11/26/2020 Estimated Time Spent: 12 hours

Jumping into coding, we "hard coded" our own test map that we would program an agent to solve. This is where we implemented our algorithm for the first time, although, we have not touched the simulation yet. After long hours of debugging and smashing our heads against our computers, we had a robot that could solve a map that we fed it by the end of the day on Thanksgiving.

Dates: 11/26/2020-11/29/2020 Estimated Time Spent: 6 hours

Now that we had our algorithm rock solid on our own (fairly difficult) test map, we expected to be able to transfer our code to the simulation fairly easily. We could not have been more wrong. The main hurdle was learning how to use Python Classes efficiently as we discovered a limitation of the simulation was that Python classes must be used. Between learning how to use these new programming constructs and retrofitting the hard coded algorithm into a way it can be fed into the simulator, about six hours were spent.

Date: 11/30/2020-12/7/2020 Estimated Time Spent: 10 hours

Now that we had an algorithm that was retrofitted to the simulation's specifications, we expected our agent to work well since we had tested it with a fairly advanced map. However, sometimes the agent would stop, sometimes it would run into the Wumpus, sometimes it wouldn't move at all. These could have been attributed to a number of things such as bugs in the simulation, bugs in our code, an inefficient operating system. Due to the large range of possible errors, even with a considerable amount of time of debugging, we were unable to pinpoint exactly where our main error was coming from. At this point, after consulting with Professor Bram, since this is a philosophy project and not a test of coding, we decided that our efforts are better put towards writing the report about this project opposed to spending more long hours debugging Python Code.

Date 12/3/2020-12/10/2020 Estimated Time Spent: 6 hours

During this time, we focused exclusively on the report of this project, which included all the components of this website: The Home Page, About Page, Description of the Wumpus World Problem, the Algorithm of the Wumpus World Code we Tested, an Analysis of how our classmates agents performed in the "Robot Roundup," as well as connecting this project to Philosophy and the Feasibility of AI. A draft of the website (except the analysis of the Robot Round up not taking place until 8pm on 12/7) was completed by class on 12/7/2020 and after getting feedback from Professor Bram we submitted by the beginning of class on 12/10/2020.