About Page

Team Members

Srijan Srivatsa

Aditya Behal

Robot Name: Knight Rider

Slogan: Wumpus, Wumpus we will kill. Destiny of gold, we shall fulfill!



These three movies are a trilogy. The first movie is finding and shooting the Wumpus. The second movie is about getting the gold while avoiding the pits. The third movie is about how Knight Rider gets back to the start safe with the gold.

  1. Wumpus in the Jungle (First Image on Right)

Image from https://gamelore.fandom.com/wiki/Wumpus

  1. The Beastly Pits and the Golden Lair (Second Image on Right)

Image from https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2018/08/sinkholes-when-the-earth-opens-up/568762/

  1. Back to the Origins (Third Image on Right)

Image from https://pixy.org/65776/
