Introduction To World Tamil Teacher Conference
Lucky Draw Winners
10th place - 02386; 9th place - 03478; 8th place - 02266; 7th place - 00137; 6th place - 02911
(6th to 10th Prizes are $100 Cash Value each Sponsored by Dhinesh Kuhanandah)
5th place - 02876 - $200 App Store & iTunes gift card Sponsored by Superb Design Solutions Inc.
4th place - 03880 - $300 of winner's choice gift card Sponsored by Superb Design Solutions Inc.
3rd place - 02899 - $500 of winner's choice gift card Sponsored by Aasanaum Kids Tamil Summer Camp.
2nd place - 03228 - 2 nights & 3 days stay in a cottage with a lake view Sponsored by Sindu Thava, Mortgage Agent.
1st place - 02988 - $1,500 gift voucher for travel to any destination of your choice Sponsored by Padimurai Tamil.
If your the winner of these 10 prizes, please call 416-821-5773 to claim your prize!
காலம் - June 1st, 2nd & 3rd 2024
இடம் - University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON)