University of California, Riverside

Interdisciplinary Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology


2013  Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, The Ohio State University

      Advisor: Ching-Shan Chou and Chiu-Yen Kao

2008  B.S. in Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China


2017-present, Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, UC Riverside

2013-2017, Postdoc scholar, Department of Mathematics, Center for Complex Biological Systems, UC Irvine

      Mentor: Qing Nie


NSF CAREER DMS-2338630(07/2024-06/2029; PI)

NSF IOS-2055690(09/2021-08/2025; co-PI)

NSF DMS-2029814 (08/2020-07/2024; co-PI)

NSF DMS-1853701 (07/2019-06/2023; PI)

NIH R01GM100130 (02/2019-01/2022; co-PI)

NSF DMS-1762063 (07/2018-06/2023; co-PI)