Three Sisters: 

Truth, Clarity, and Sin

Three Sisters: Truth, Clarity, & Sin by Margaritta Maria Fultz

Three sisters decided to meet at their childhood home to bring the new year in, and two of the sisters actually agreed in prayer for the new year to begin.

The two older sisters names are Truth and Clarity, and the prettiest and youngest sister's name is Sin.

Truth is known to the men in town as big old ugly Truth, and Clarity is thought to look alright, but not as tempting to hook up with as Sin.

See big old ugly Truth is only attractive to the older crowd. She is talented and virtuous, and she makes her friends and family proud.

Clarity stays in the Word of God, and discernment is her spiritual gift. 

There isn't a ton of B.S. through which she is ever challenged to sift.

Clarity can see through all distractions and dig through the surface mess. 

She gets to the heart of all issues. 

She's a daughter who is always favored and blessed.

Sin is gorgeous on the outside but horrible deep to her core. She lies and manipulates everyone to get what she wants, but always longs for much more.

Sin is petty, selfish, and hateful, but she's trending all the same. She can turn every head when she enters a room. Hell, Sin just has no shame.

Truth and Clarity are praying humbly for God to protect us all from hurt and harm. Lord, bless us with your bounty keep us and see us victoriously through. We owe You our faithfulness and fully trust in You.

We are a family of brothers and sisters who know Sin is here to stay.

That's why we come together frequently to humble ourselves and pray.

We know that Sin is worldly, so sophisticated, and sly. Lord increase our capacity for Truth and Clarity to tell Sin's lies and deception goodbye.

We depend on You for wisdom, Your mercy, and Your grace. Our journey on this earth is to in essence seek Your holy face.

Lord, help us feed earth's hungry children, and to heal those lost to our sumptuous sister Sin. We truly thank You for seeing us through this past year as a blessed and prosperous New Year begins.
