Sweet Justice's Song

Hear My Soul Music Sing Sweet Justice's Song

by Margaritta Fultz January 31, 2021

Music drops down and bubbles up and emerges out of the abyss;

To calm and smooth and soothe our souls.

One woman's music is another man's noise; Because one generations' rhythm and cadence brings a whole people new joy.

Music drops down for a reason;

The lyrics resonate for more than just a season.

The blues did exist before the treason.

Just as hate existed before he incited;

The insurrection, the breach, and the violent riot.

We still haven't written-right the wrong;

In this time when the music dropping down must write the song.

Our people ARE the people nonetheless;

Struggling for centuries to give our best.

Our generosity is strong;

But two giving-Americas don't right a whole nation's wrongs.

Even as we have memorized freedom's song;

The reparations we didn't get are already gone.

Hear the rhythm and feel this new beat;

Let notes rain down and wet the dry peacekeeping protesters' feet.

Hear soul music sing justice's song;

Impeach the soloist who led the Capitol's wrongs.

Music drops down and bubbles up and emerges out of the abyss;

The melody calms and smooths and soothes the bottom of our worn out soles.

One race's music can be the ruling race's noise ;

Come listen to Black folks' rhythm and cadence bring ALL the People truth and joy.

We all want to sing because we are happy and certainly because we were made free;

God hears the songbird's sorrow sing, "Jesus, please bring us unity!"

Persevere People of Color and play justice's song;

All People of Struggle stand together to sing one nation's, THIS nation's, and every nation's--without repatriation!


