Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Patire spread its army on the north side of Chambert like a swarm of ants.

‘Wouldn’t it be great,’ asked Leonard, the Accident, ‘if Fulbert atacked Henrique?’

He was with Pierre and Neville in the round room in Chambert. Luc was also there, but the one-eyed man had been dulled by his brother’s death. Apart from them were Thaila and Bojet, the poetic burnt man.

‘He would win,’ said Neville.

‘Yes, but he would be weakened and we could then defeat him,’ The Accident leaned over to Pierre. ‘Can’t the mage Fregósbor incite a battle?’

‘Those soldiers aren’t our enemies, they’re our people,’ said Pierre. ‘We don’t want them to kill each other, we want to save them. It is War tha must be defeated.’

They could hear Patire raising camp outside.

‘Someone is gonna have to die,’ said Neville.

‘Chambert can stand a long seige,’ said Luc. It was the only thing he said that whole day.

‘But can we sit still?’asked Neville.

‘Lune will come for us,’ said Bojet.

Sitting beside Gregoire in the shade, Coalim shyly raised his hand (indeed, the two of them were also there: on in his half-brother’s shadow, the other discreet as a table):

‘What if Lune is in danger? We don’t know what Master Vivianne and Menior will find in Deran. I know Marcus of Lune and he wouldn’t spend so much time without sending news to his sister unless something stopped him. And it is not just anything that can stop a Master of Lune from doing what they want.’

‘Our only choice is to force Henrique and Fulber to fight amongst themselves,’ said Thaila.

Pierre shook his head. Battles between kings of Franária, more of the same old poison, wouldn’t help anyone. However, Coalim, the Accident and Thaila were right: they couldn’t simply wait to see if Lune came to their aid, in spite of Bojet’s certainties. They all waited for Pierre to say something, but before he had the time, Germon opened the door and came in, followed by many people.

‘Pierre,’ said the burnt man, ‘there is something. I’ve never seen anything like it. I think Sátiron is back!’

Chapter 104