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There are two stories so far on this website:

The Mouth of War: a high fantasy story for adults of all ages. The final chapters are not proof-read and I apologize for that, but the truth is: I ran out of money.

December Around the World: a fantasy story for children of all ages.

My dream was to write a book and illustrate it myself. Truth is, when I finished my college graduation (graphic design), I was certain I'd make comic books. I began to write scripts but, when I realized it, I was writing more and more, drawing less and less.

I love stories. I love to read them, create them, live them. I'm powered by them, there are more characters than white globes in my veins. I've been studying creative writing for a few years now, and I've recently started to draw again. I had forgotten how much I love painting.

In other words, this site blog is me making my own dream come true. I hope you like it.

If you're curious about my paintings, find me on Instagram: @tartaruga.aguilera