Making SubjectS &Verbs Agree

Many writers have problems with subject-verb agreement (having singular nouns with singular verbs, and plural nouns with plural verbs). 

The basics

Sometimes, these slip-ups are glaringly obvious:

ex. Bob are a college student.

In many sentences, however, word groups intervene between the subject and verb:

ex. Today, writing papers with online tools such as thesauruses, style checkers, and citation-builders are much easier. (what's the problem here?)

The easiest way to check your subject-verb agreement is to take out any word groups (usually subject modifiers) between the subject and verb:

ex. Today, writing is much easier.

Changing the sentence in this manner, however, changes the meaning. Reorganizing the sentence clears up the problem while retaining meaning:

ex. Online tools make writing papers much easier.

When you edit, look for these common trouble spots

ex. The woman who made those cakes is our next-door neighbor. (woman is, not cakes are)

ex. The dog and cat seem to be good friends.

ex. Either John or Karen is available to answer your questions this afternoon.

ex. Neither the zoo keeper nor the police were able to find the missing boa constrictor.

ex. A number of companies are hiring generative AI specialists. (Here, a plural verb because the companies are not acting as one body but rather as a number of individuals).

ex. The consortium of companies is hiring more generative AI specialists. (Here, "consortium of companies" implies that the companies are acting together as a single entity).

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