WreckRace Reloaded VR

Designed and Created by kr4yz33 2021 - https://kr4yz33.itch.io/

Not Your Average Racer

Born from my passion for competitive racing games, WRR is not just a racer. First over the line doesn't mean you win, damage both taken and received also factors into the score. What will your tactic be? Kill everything or fly through aiming for the fastest ever time? Cannons around the track can both destroy and be destroyed, speed and superb skills will have you ready to Wreck Race to a World Record! Later iterations aim to have a driver paired with a gunner. Imagine racing a bus with 5 or 6 passengers shooting for target damage points to add to the drivers score.

Trello: https://trello.com/b/lHUgUHRn/wreckracereloadedvr2021