Schedule and Abstracts

 Abstracts here.

All talks will be in Science Building 010.

Thursday, June 13

8:50 - 9am -- Welcome

9 - 9:20 --   Touseef Haider: Polynomial bound on number of flypes for alternating link

9:25 - 9:45 -- Jordan Sahattchieve: Fibering Theorem for 3-manifolds

9:50 - 10:10 -- Kyle Hansen: Tiling Spaces which are Fiber Bundles over Nilmanifolds

10:15 - 10:35 -- Rob McConkey: Bounds on the Crosscap Number (non-orientable Genus) of links

10:35- 11:05 -- Break

11:05-12:05 -- Maggie Miller: Surfaces in 4-manifolds, Lecture 1

12:05 - 1:30 -- Lunch (Commons Dining Hall)

1:30 - 1:50 -- David Auckly: Topologically isotopic surfaces seperated by many finger and Whitney moves

1:55 - 2:15 -- Malcom Gabbard: Equivariant Double Slice Knots and Knotted Symmetric Surfaces

2:20 - 2:40 -- Geuyoung Kim: Heegaard diagrams for 5-manifolds

2:45 - 3:05 -- Jack Calcut: Geometric structures on boundries of Mazur and Jester 4-manifolds

3:05 - 3:35 -- Break

3:35 - 3:55 -- Atish Mitra: On Maps with Continuous Path lifting

4 - 4:30 -- Michael Bruner & Heidi Steiger: Two Topics In Coarse Graph Theory

4:40 - 5 -- Leonard Rubin: Alternate Proofs of the n-dimensional Resolution Theorems 

Friday, June 14

9 - 9:20 --   Manpreet Singh: Cohomology of the twisted Yang-Baxter sets and applications to knots

9:25 - 9:45 -- Pratit Goswami: Dehn Functions of Coabelian Subgroups

9:50 - 10:10 -- Thomas Hill: Ivanov's theorem for infinite graphs

10:15 - 10:35 -- Kushlam Srivastava: Relatively Hyperbolic Groups and cut pairs on their Bowditch boundries

10:35- 11:05 -- Break

11:05-12:05 -- Maggie Miller: Surfaces in 4-manifolds, Lecture 2

12:05 - 1:30 -- Lunch (Commons Dining Hall)

1:30 - 1:50 -- Dan Rutherford: Computations of invariants of Legendrian surfaces

1:55 - 2:15 -- Randy Van Why: Symplectic Stories from Algebraic Geometry

2:20 - 2:40 -- Shuo Zhang: Nonorientable Lagrangians in rational symplectic 4-manifolds

2:45 - 3:05 -- Amey Joshi: Abelian Branched covers of rational Surfaces

3:05 - 3:35 -- Break

3:35 - 3:55 -- Justin Murray: Representations of the Legendrian DGA and applications to Lagrangian concordance

4 - 4:20 -- Marco Volpe: Traces of dualizable categories, functoriality of the Becker-Gottlieb transfers and the Dwyer-Weiss-Williams index theorem

Saturday, June 15

9 - 9:20 --   Matthew Timm: Applications of topology to network analysis

9:25 - 9:45 -- Joshua Drouin: A Lower Bound for the Number of Self-intersections of Boundaries of Surfaces Immersed in the Plane

9:50 - 10:10 -- Liam Kahmeyer: A Homotopy Invariant of Image Simple Fold Maps to Oriented Surfaces

10:10- 10:40 -- Break

10:40-11:40 -- Maggie Miller: Surfaces in 4-manifolds, Lecture 3

11:40-12:05 -- Problem Session

12:05-1:30 -- Lunch (Commons Dining Hall)

Afternoon: Trip to the Fredrik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park (Details TBA)