Local participants

Introductory lectures

We want our workshop to be available for interested local participants that work at academic institutions in Bergen. There is no need to be young, nor working in geometry, nor working in stochastic analysis.

To achieve this, we will have a set of introductory lectures given before the workshop starts. The lectures will be given by the organizers.

Tuesday February 11,

  • 14:15-16:00: Introduction to Rough paths. Torstein Nilssen.

Wednesday February 12

  • 10:15-10:50: Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds. Erlend Grong.
  • 11:00-11:30: Random processes on Hilbert spaces. Alexander Schmeding

The aim of these lectures is to give a quick introduction to some of the basics in the topics of the workshop, so that non-experts can benefit from attending the workshop afterwards.

Lectures will be given at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, which is located on the 4th floor of the Natural Science Building (Realfagsbygget). The lectures will be in seminar room Sigma (4A5d).

These lectures are also available for visiting participants (participants not from Bergen), however, the participant must then fund the extra day of hotel for themselves. Exceptions can be made from this rule, in particular for participants form Norway and for Ph.D. students. Please contact the organizers in this case.

Important: Local participants also need to register

Registration is now closed. Please contact the organizers if you have any questions.