Research Experience in W³ Laboratory , University of Utah (Feb. 15th 2023 - Mar. 31st 2023)

I headed to the University of Utah right after the 2023 AAAI Conference. Prof. Ji was very hospitable. I am sincerely grateful to him. The weather in Salt Lake City was gloomy; in fact, there was heavy snowfall, forcing me to stay home. At the C³ Lab, I introduced the quantum machine learning techniques I had worked on and discussed how to apply them in wireless communication and communication network environments for two months. Our main topic was a Contents Recommendation System, similar to Netflix. We planned to apply quantum machine learning with projection value measurement. Prof. Ji and Dr. Xiang provided many comments, and I am grateful for their help. In particular, discussing the machine learning optimization problem within the Lyapunov framework with the professor was truly innovative. It's a wonderful memory.

University of Utah

Weather of Salt Lake City

Study at  C³ Lab

Farewell Dinner with Prof. Ji

Research Experience at Cipherome Inc., San Jose (Jun. 10th 2022 - Aug. 31st 2023)

I started an industrial-academic project with Cipherome Inc. in February 2022, working alongside Dr. Kim. We aimed to introduce distributed learning systems, such as Split Learning and Federated Learning, into medical systems. Fortunately, I had the chance to work at the Cipherome Silicon Valley headquarters for about three months. The weather was unbelievably good. I came to realize that Silicon Valley engineers prioritize productivity and communication. This isn't just a simple aspect of American culture; it leads to efficiency. Additionally, I had numerous conversations with CTO Kim. He told me that Dropbox was developed in Python because the CEO only knew how to use Python. This stressed the importance of first showcasing functionality and optimizing later, which I found both fascinating and enlightening. Over the three months, while building the distributed learning system, we also managed to file a patent. The process involved collaborative coding and code reviews. Code reviews were more nerve-wracking than I anticipated, but they significantly helped improve my skills. Once again, it was a period where I accumulated both delightful memories and expertise, which made me feel great.  

Place I've stayed (Communications Hill)

Cipherome Inc. (San Jose, CA)

Patent Meeting (Fenwick & West LLP)

Code Documentation Presentation

Research Experience in AIMLab, Korea University (Mar. 2020 - May 2023)

When I first joined the lab, I knocked on Prof. Kim's office to address a delay. AIMLab collaborates with various professors, which offers the advantage of learning a lot from them. This environment significantly contributed to my skill development. Initially, from Prof. Park at Deakin University, I learned many AI analysis methods and how to refine experiments. Prof. Choi from Kyung Hee University taught me how to refine mathematical formulas. I delved deep into wireless communication channel modeling with Prof. Ko at Korea University and Prof. Lim from Pukyong National University. From Prof. Lee at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I gained a deep understanding of how to prove concepts through experimentation, and from Prof. Mohaisen at the University of Central Florida, I learned about presentation techniques and paper writing. Additionally, I was fortunate enough to work with esteemed professionals like Prof. Molisch from the University of Southern California and Prof. Bennis from the University of Oulu. 

I undertook numerous tasks for industrial-academic research (Samsung, Hyundai, Cipherome) and national research projects, such as setting up quantum computing-related codes and multi-agent reinforcement learning libraries. Also, as one of the early members of the lab, I was responsible for setting up most of the equipment servers and building almost all of the code used in our research. It was a very arduous and demanding task, but seeing the fruitful results brought me great joy. Furthermore, generously contributing to ensure the growth of my juniors in the lab felt rewarding.  

Setting up AIMLab

INFOCOM 2022 Preparation

NeurIPS 2022 Preparation

Research Discussion with Mr. Baek

Work Experience in MetaFarmers Inc., Seoul (Jul. 2023 - Current)

I joined MetaFarmers, an agricultural automation startup company, and served as the lead software engineer. Right after joining, I undertook tasks like scalable code refactoring, MLOps for models detecting crops, setting up Linux servers, and designing network architectures. The people are very active and passionate, which makes my experience immensely enjoyable.

Celebration Cake for joining the company

Agri & Food Tech Start-Up Rising Expo

Tomato Cultivation Robot (MetaFarmer)

Refactored Codes

Work Experience in NScreen Inc., Seoul (Mar. 2019 - Mar. 2020)

After finishing the second semester of my sophomore year in 2018, I pondered, "What meaningful activity can yield results with a low opportunity cost?" As a result of this reflection, I decided to start developing systems using a computer. From January 2019, I began web crawling and server construction, during which I carried out a project for Namdong Power Development. Later, I developed an interest in deep learning and took a course in computer vision, allowing me to accumulate the necessary major knowledge. During the summer, I was able to implement the theories I learned through hand-written digit recognition and provided it as an API. Additionally, I developed a student learning support platform. After the outbreak of COVID-19, I deployed the learning support platform I had developed to an academy, demonstrating its real-world application.

Automation for KOEN Ltd.

Designing Learning Management System

Learning Management System Demonstration

H/W Capstone Design, Electrical Engineering, Korea University (Sep. 2019 - Dec. 2019)

Entering the second semester of my junior year in 2019, I aimed to demonstrate my capabilities as an electrical and electronic engineering student. With this in mind, I enrolled in a senior-year course called "Comprehensive Design" and developed a porter robot, intending to showcase everything I had learned over the past three years. I developed the YOLO-based object detection, serial communication, wheel control, and an algorithm to track objects. As a result, I was awarded the top prize in the hardware category within the university.

Designing Circuit, H/W and Vision 

Calibration and Driving Algorithm

 Porter Robot Demonstration 

Present our Work

Attended Conferences (2021 - 2023)

Due to COVID-19, attending conferences was challenging until the summer of 2022. From 2022 onwards, I started attending conferences, and interacting with professors and students at the conference venue taught me a lot. Especially, there were professors and students who, without any reservations, purely showed interest in my research and asked various questions. Responding to them made me reconsider aspects of my research I hadn't pondered upon before, which was an invaluable experience. Also, having meals and cocktails with attendees and discussing research was truly enjoyable.