Wireless Intelligent Networks Lab.
@ Electronics Engineering, Kyung Hee University
Our research interest are:
Wireless Caching Network
Federated Learning
Reinforcement Learning-assisted edge network
Stochastic Network Optimization
Distributed System
Edge Computing System
PI: Minseok Choi
Assistant Professor
Kyung Hee University, Electronics Engineering
Email: choims _at_ khu.ac.kr, minseok.choi307 _at_ gmail.com
We are looking for passionate and motivated undergraduate, M.S., Ph.D students and PostDocs!
(Job posting link)
News (📝: paper acceptance, 🎤: talk, 🏆: winning awards, 🎉: celebration, )
[Jan. 2025] 🎤 Prof. Choi gave a talk at <현대 강화학습 이론과 트렌드 워크숍>, Open Standards and ICT Associator (OSIA, 한국컴퓨터통신연구회): "Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning."
[Jan. 2025] 📝 Tiange's paper entitled "Semantic Communications for Partially Observable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Monitoring" is accepted by IEEE ICC 2025.
[Jan. 2025] 🏆 Hyeri Lim and Yunoh Kim received the Best Paper Award of KICS <2024 추계종합학술발표회>. Congratulations!
Presented to Hyeri Lim, Yunoh Kim and Minseok Choi:
Title: VAE와 연합 학습 활용 콘텐츠 캐싱 전략의 Jetson Boards 기반 성능 평가
[Jan. 2025] 🎉 Jongseok Hyun and Abdur Rehman Awan joined our lab as master students. Welcome!
[Nov. 2024] 📝 Prof. Mahboob (ex-postdoc in WIN Lab.)'s paper entitled "Blockchain-Assisted Dynamic Resource Pool Selection for D2D Roaming Scenarios" is accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society
[Oct. 2024] 📝 Hyeonsu Kim and Dongwoo Goo's paper entitled "Multi-Exit Faster R-CNN(MEF): 변동하는 자원에 적응적인 다중 출구 신경망" is accepted for publication in Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences.
[Sep. 2024] 🎉 Prof. Choi became a Smart City Committee member of Seoul City.
[Sep. 2024] 🎤 Prof. Choi gave a talk at <제 17회 통신네트워크 기초 및 핵심기술 단기강좌>, The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS, 한국통신학회): "Federated Learning in Wireless Networks."
[Sep. 2024] 🎤 Prof. Choi gave a talk at UNIST AIGS & CSE: "Split Federated Learning Framework for Resource-Constrained Clients."
[Jul. 2024] 📝 Our paper entitled "Farthest Agent Selection with Episode-Wise Observations for Real-Time Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Applications" is accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
[Jul. 2024] 📝 Prof. Mahboob (ex-postdoc in WIN Lab.)'s paper entitled "Multi-Operator Spectrum and MEC Resource Sharing in Next Generation Cellular Networks," is accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
[Jun. 2024] Prof. Choi gave a talk at KRnet 2024 (The 32nd Korea Internet Conference): "Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained Mobile Devices"
[Jun. 2024] 📝 Our paper entitled "Proactive Content Caching via Interplay Between Deep Learning and Stochastic Optimization" is accepted for presentation at 2024 IEEE 21st International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (IEEE MASS)
[Jun. 2024] 🎤 Prof. Choi participated in <Young Researcher 간담회 세션>, 2024 하계종합학술발표회, The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS, 한국통신학회)
[May 2024] 📝 Our paper entitled "Joint Quantum Reinforcement Learning and Stabilized Control for Human-Centric Spatio-Temporal Coordination in Metaverse" is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
[May 2024] 📝 Tiange Xiang, Hyelee Lim and Yunoh Kim's paper entitled "Caching, Transcoding, Delivery, and Learning for Advanced Video Streaming Service" is accepted for publication in ICT Express.
[Apr. 2024] 📝 Yunoh Kim and Tiange Xiang's paper entitled "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning-Based Delay-Sensitive Video Delivery in Vehicular Networks" is accepted for publication in Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences.
[Apr. 2024] 🎤 Prof. Choi gave a talk at <ERC 우수신진연구자 세션>, JCCI 2024: "Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained Mobile Devices"
[Apr. 2024] 📝 Prof. Kim (ex-external researcher in WIN Lab.)'s paper entitled "Edge Caching and Computing of Partial Files in Multi-Tier Wireless Networks" is accepted for publication in Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA).
[Mar. 2024] 📝 Our paper entitled "Age-of-Information Aware Contents Caching and Distribution for Connected Vehicles" is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT).
[Mar. 2024] 🎉 Dr. Rizwan Atif joined our lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome!
[Jan. 2024] 🎉 Dr. Dongjae Kim, an external researcher of WIN Lab., has appointed as an assistant professor at Pukyong National University. Congratulations!
[Dec. 2023] 🏆 Yunoh Kim and Tiange Xiang received the Best Paper Award of KICS <2023 추계종합학술발표회>. Congratulations!
Presented to Yunoh Kim, Tiange Xiang, Yeongjin Kim and Minseok Choi:
Title: 계층 강화학습 기반의 차량 네트워크에서의 딜레이-민감 비디오 전달 시스템
[Dec. 2023] 📝 The book containing the chapter written by Prof. Minseok Choi has been published: "Fundamentals of 6G Communications and Networking" - "Chapter: Network Disaggregation," Springer.
[Dec. 2023] 📝 Tiange Xiang's paper entitled "Intelligent Caching for Seamless High-Quality Streaming in Vehicular Networks: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach" is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TIV).