Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then youshould wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

Due to new technical requirements by Google, WolfQuest for Android has reached its end of life and has been removed from the Google Play Store, and multiplayer is now disabled. The single-player game will continue to work for players who have already downloaded it and purchased in-app products, and they'll be able to download it again if necessary (with the same Google account.) For the time being, WQ 2.7 on iOS is still available and both single-player and multiplayer are still functional, as is the Mac/Windows version. We apologize for these changes, but technology marches on and with code dating back to 2007, it's no longer possible to keep the Android app updated.

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The story of your pack will continue in the Saga -- an upcoming expansion (free to anyone who owns the game) where you can live the entire life of your wolf. The seasons roll by as you raise a new litter of pups every year: feeding them, defending them from competitors, and helping them learn how to hunt big prey. Yearlings help with the new pups until they too may decide to disperse and join or form another pack. With tenacity and skill (and some luck), build your legacy of skilled hunters and pack leaders! Can you survive long enough to become a legendary wolf of Yellowstone?

WolfQuest Anniversary Edition allows you to host your own multiplayer games with just a click of a button. You can set various options for your own game, from game size to gametype. This article will walk through the process of hosting a game of WolfQuest Anniversary Edition.

Here you can control the maximum number of players in your game. You may choose any number between 2 and 8 players in Pack Life and Territory Acquisition mods. Slough Creek's Story mode (raising pups) has smaller packs, with 2-5 players.

Latency is the time it takes for information to go between you and the server. High latency affects the game in many negative ways. With high latency, you may notice other players stuttering or skipping around much more, as well as other animals may appear to be behave more erratically.

When creating a multiplayer game on Amethyst or Slough Creek maps, the host can choose from four territory configurations. These establish the initial pack territories, so you can choose a larger or smaller unclaimed area, depending on what kind of game you seek.

The game host can kick players out of a game if they are breaking rules and being extremely uncooperative or obnoxious. Kicking from multiplayer games is meant to keep games fun and prevent troublesome players from ruining the gameplay.

We love Macs! But for gaming, Windows computers give you a lot more bang for your buck, both due to cost differences between them, and the ways that Windows is better optimized to run 3D games. Yes, you can play games on higher end Macs but, if you are on a budget, PCs are the way to go for games.

We also advise you to go to your local computer store rather than buying online, and to ask an employee what computer will fit your needs. Avoid office supply stores like Staples or OfficeMax, as they largely carry computers designed for light business work rather than 3D gaming. Here are a few questions to ask when looking for a computer to purchase:

You are a two-year old gray wolf born in the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park. You learned the ways of the wolf in your birth pack. Now it's time for you to learn how to live on your own, finding food, meeting other wolves, and searching for a mate. Ultimately, your goal is to find a home and build your own family.

Your quest begins on the slopes of Amethyst Mountain and eventually takes you across the Lamar Valley to Slough Creek. There, you and your mate must establish a territory and raise a litter of pups: training them, feeding them, defending them against predators, and finally taking them on a cross-country journey to a summer home. Ultimately, your success will depend on your ability to ensure the survival of your pack. 

Purchase this DLC pack for $6 to add 15 more coats based on actual Yellowstone wolves --important, famous, or just cool. You can the choose any of these coats for your own wolf. They will also be eligible to appear on dispersal wolves and grown pups in any new game that you start after you make the purchase. Purchase this DLC pack from the game: go to Wolf Customization > Coats and scroll down to preview and purchase the coats.

An active broadband Internet connection is required to download the game and game patches and updates. An Internet connection is not required to play in single player mode after the game launcher has downloaded and installed the game

In single-player games, learn how to hunt elk, communicate with other wolves, find a mate, establish a den and territory, raise pups, and embark on a perilous journey to a summering site. In multiplayer games, join together with friends to explore the wilderness and hunt elk, and raise pups together.

WolfQuest was funded by the National Science Foundation and created by the Minnesota Zoo and eduweb. International Wolf Center personnel, including Dr. L. David Mech, wolf biologist for 50 years, advised on the wolf biology.

WolfQuest is a 3D wildlife simulation video game originally developed by the Minnesota Zoo and game developer company Eduweb, and developed solely by Eduweb since 2013. The game's main purpose is to help players understand wolves and the roles they play in nature by being virtually incarnated as a gray wolf themselves. WolfQuest challenges players to learn about wolf ecology by living the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone National Park.

The first playable demo of WolfQuest was released on October 31, 2007. The first episode of the game was released December 21, 2007, as a free, downloadable game for Macintosh and Windows computers. Amethyst Mountain Deluxe, an expansion of the original Amethyst Mountain map, was released April 23, 2008.[2] A second episode of the game, titled Slough Creek: Survival of the Pack was further released on January 1, 2010.[3] The WolfQuest series has received many revamps, updates, and patches over the course of its development, one of its most notable being the 2.7.2 update on July 4, 2016, featuring graphical improvements to the 3D environment, and many new animals, such as cougars, foxes, and ravens.[2] On November 17, 2015, Wolfquest 2.7, a greatly improved and expanded version of the game, was released.[4][5] On September 2, 2016, Eduweb released the game for iOS devices, with releases for Android and Kindle devices coming later in the month. The most recent version of the game, WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition, was released for early access on PC/Mac on July 25, 2019. It is a complete remake of the original game, with improved graphics, more animals, and an expanded map. Since then, Eduweb has added the Lost River map from WolfQuest 2.7, multiplayer modes, the Slough Creek episode, and a new, reimagined Lost River DLC map.

In single player, the player must survive as a dispersal gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park. To do so they must hunt elk, moose, and hares, or feed off elk carcasses. They must also avoid dangers such as grizzly bears, cougars, and non-dispersal wolves. However, it is possible to fight off the bears and cougars by chasing them, and fight off other wolves. They have the option to find a mate, which, when successful, will follow and aid the player throughout the rest of the game. In order to find a mate, the player must first earn 800 experience points, mainly by hunting elk, and then search for a mate which can be found in all territories.

When creating their wolf character, players are free to choose the gender, fur coloration, stats, and name of their wolf. There are a variety of coats to choose from, with two sliders that let players change the tints of the guard hairs and undercoat of the wolf. WolfQuest 2.7 added many new customization features, including more coats as well as injuries and a radio collar. Just like real wolves, males are larger in size than females.[6]

Upon leaving Amethyst Mountain, players (with their mate) enter the Slough Creek map and search for a den to raise pups in a new location, Slough Creek. However, after finding a densite, the player must scent mark the area around the den to make it safe from predators and stranger wolves. After completion, the player will obtain pups. Ravenous bears, coyotes, eagles, cougars, and wolves roam the earth, posing a new threat to young pups as they wait to snatch one up under a novice parent's nose. At the end, you, your mate, and your surviving pups must make a journey for the summer den in the Douglas fir forests. But the player, the player's mate, and pups will run into grizzlies, coyotes, eagles and drowning. The only way pups can get across the river is by finding a shallow sandbar. Wolf territories will also expand, so the player cannot take an easy way out.

In multiplayer, the objectives of the game are the same with two exceptions. The player co-operates with a maximum of 8 wolves including themselves, and can have no game-sanctioned mate. (Regardless, some players still say that other players are their mates.) Public multiplayer games allow anyone to join. Private games require a game-name and password and allow text and voice chats. (Text chats are filtered through a standard badwords list.) Players are encouraged to report any behavior that breaks the multiplayer rules.

Players in multiplayer can start rallies and hunt bull elk and moose. Bull elk have more meat than cow elk and are many times harder to kill. Moose are far more difficult to hunt than any of the elk, and will take some time to kill, but the reward of meat is greater. Players may bite elk in the neck or back legs while hunting. WolfQuest 2.7 added a multiplayer mode to the Slough Creek mission arc, so players can raise pups together and journey to the rendezvous site. 17dc91bb1f

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