WOCCI 2017 – Workshop on Child Computer Interaction

Satellite event of ICMI' 2017, Glasgow, Scotland November 13, 2017

Information for Authors

Paper Information

Manuscripts must be submitted by July 24, 2017. Papers must contain original material not previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere. At least one author of each paper must be registered and attend the Workshop to present the paper.

Author's Kit

Submitted papers must be in PDF format and conform to the ICMI publication format.

Papers should be between 4–6 pages using the format in the Interspeech 2017 Author's Kit:


WOCCI 2017 reviewing will be double-blind; accordingly, paper submissions should not include the authors' names and affiliations (note that this is different from the default setting in the Interspeech 2017 Author's Kit).

Online Submission

To submit your paper (PDF file) please link to the WOCCI submission webpage. Please note that the submission page is managed by EasyChair. This will require you to create an EasyChair account to access the WOCCI 2017 submission page if you do not have one already.

Demo Presentation

If you wish to present a demo you are invited to send an e-mail with a short description of your demo (demo proposal) to wocci2017@gmail.com