Workshop on Nonsmooth Optimization and Applications

 (NOPTA 2024)

in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Boris Mordukhovich

April 8-12, 2024- University of Antwerp, Belgium

Located in: 

University of Antwerp - City campus


Building C, rooms S.C102 + S.C103

Stadscampus, University of Antwerp

Prinsstraat 13

2000 Antwerpen


Download the detailed map

1) Find the entrance at 

Prinsstraat 13 

2) Follow the path through this beautiful yard toward the main buildings 

3) Go straight to the end of this yard and don't forget to enjoy the atmosphere. 

4) This is the main entrance of Building C.

5) Welcome to Building C. By the way, each department at UA is like an art gallery. 

6) Come up these stairs. 

7) We're here and 

looking forward to visiting you