Welcome to the 19th Annual Charles George VAMC
Veterans Art Festival & Show Online.
Veterans Art Festival & Show Online.
The National Veterans Creative Arts Competition and Festival provides our Veterans with an opportunity to gain recognition for their progress and recovery made through the Creative Arts Therapies at the VA.
The local competition at the VA enables our Veterans to share their talents and healing experiences with their peers and the larger community. Often the art may be related to past traumas, personal life struggles, or world views.
Sometimes those who witness this art can experience emotional turmoil as well.
Should you feel overwhelmed by the subject matter presented, staff members are available for emotional processing and support. Thank you for being here and supporting the Veteran community as they share personal experiences and life lessons in a supportive, compassionate environment.
To get involved in Creative Arts Therapy at the VA or to discuss any of the works of Art, Creative Writing, Dance, Drama or Music that is on display or shared, please contact: Rebekah Wiggins (828)298-7911 ext. 3413. Susan.Wiggins@va.gov
or Beverly Bradigan ext. 5346. BeverlyS.Bradigan@va.gov
Download, fill out forms and return email them to:
Susan.Wiggins@VA.gov or BeverlyS.Bradigan@va.gov