AGM Minutes
1. Present were: Steve C, David A, Roger A, John B, Mark B, Roger B, Jean & Steve de R, Dennis G, Chris Halliday, John H, Clinton L, Fred M, Nigel T, David T, John D(new member), Lindsay P (returning member), Barry R(new member)
Apologies, were received from: Peter G (President), Andrew B Rod R Alan B John N Gordon C, Simon B, Jonathan G, Peter & Rose G,
2. Minutes of Last Meeting: This was the first AGM since 2019 due to CV19. No Minutes were presented due to the time since the meeting had taken place.
3. Chairman's Report. Chris welcomed everybody back after a pretty torrid 18 months. He expressed the hope that everybody was healthy and that with a fair wind we should be able to get a fairly decent programme together for the rest of the year and into 2022. He pointed out that the life blood of any organisation such as this was its volunteer officials and expressed the hope that there would be some volunteers for the vacant posts this coming years. There was some discussion about liability insurance for members which at our previous venue had been solved by joining the social club. Upon investigation it was found membership as a social member to the Mundford Bowls Club was £5 per annum and it was agreed that everyone should join. Chris agreed to remain as Chairman and Meeting Manager.
4. Secretary's Report. Nil
5. Treasurer's Report. The club has a healthy cash balance of around £800. It was agreed to keep the raffle going but to trial different formats to see which least disrupts the meeting flow. It is useful cash raiser as it basically covers the cost the venue which at £35 per evening including food and a cup of teat is remarkable value. The treasurer agreed to be the Raffle organiser.
6. Speaker's Sec. We have had no speakers since CV19 and are looking to restart the talks although members are also encouraged to speak about their aviation experiences and talks can be as short as you like. The post was vacant but John Bone volunteered to take over and was elected unanimously.
7. Press Officer. Nigel T does a first class job, although is happy to hand over if anybody wants to take over. All expressed great confidence in his ability!
8. Diary Holder. A new post of Diary holder was established to enable a single point of contact to see what, if anything is happening on a certain date, hopefully resolving any potential clashes before they occur. Steve Catlett volunteered and was elected unanimously.
9. Visits Organiser. Lifts are generally available subject to pre arrangements. Possible visits in the pipeline include:
Marham Heritage Centre, Wisbech Aviation Museum, Holbeach Range, D Day Talk, Replica Cockpits. Bentwaters. Other visits discussed included a possible flight simulator.
2. IT & Website. The website remains functional. Much discussion about a new projector and compatibility with phones and tablets. Eventually it was agreed to continue with the present set up with a laptop and DVD player etc but if issues persisted to revisit. The choice is between a cheap and cheerful projector which may have compatibility issues in the future or something more comprehensive. On of the reasons for the issue is making sure all of the equipment is available when required which currently requires a member to bring it all to the venue. The possibility of having a secure cabinet in the Mundford Club was discussed and will be investigated further. This would ensure all the available kit was in the correct place.
3. Officer Election. All the current committee were happy to stand again and others elected as above. Nigel T would like to handover the Press Officer role and Chris H would be interested in handing over the Chair. All were Proposed and Seconded and elected unanimously.
4. Subs. Currently £10pa. After much discussion it was decided to keep the subs at £10pa and also keep the raffle. It was agreed that £5 of the subs would be used to join each member to the Mundford Bowls Club as a social member. It was agreed that anyone who paid prior to the last meeting in March 2020 would be exempt from subs this year.
5. 2021 Club Nights and Venue. Agenda and website has dates for meetings. Summer visits to remain.
6. AoB and Suggestions.
a. All published names were agreed to be Christian Name and Surname Initial
b. A donation of £50 to N&DAG for all their magazine content distributed to our members over the CV19 pandemic.
c. Proposed visits over the summer:
i. Wisbech Aviation Museum (Chris H)
ii. Ejector Seat Talk with a ejector seat mechanism (Chris H)
iii. Mildenhall ATC (John B)
iv. Bentwaters Museum (John B)
15. Thanks. The Chair expressed the members’ gratitude to Val & Len for their hospitality at every meeting.
The meeting was closed at 21:45
Mark B
West Norfolk Aviation Society.
08 October 2021