
General enquiries

For general queries, contributions, or to contact the society, use the Withington Civic Society email address:

Contact the officers

For details of news releases and publicity, contact the Chair (below).

If you wish to contact officers of the Society, the following list should help.

The Chair of the Society is Roger Smith. He may be contacted at  or phone 0161 445 1473

The Vice-Chair is Pauline Clark

The Secretary is Jane Watson

The Treasurer is Jeannie Monaghan

The Editor of News and Views (the Civic Society newsletter) can be contacted at:

For membership enquiries, contact the Membership Secretary, Heather Steward at or go to the Membership Page.

The Website Coordinator is David Rydeheard. Contact him at If you would like to contribute to the website or request a change to anything on the site, please contact the website coordinator.


Subscribe to the general email newsletter of events and activities in Withington

Subscribe to the email newsletter for traders and organisations in Withington


Civic Society members who are interested in supporting our activities - such as organising or helping with events, publicity, communications, tree planting, planning applications, transport planning, the website, archives, etc., should contact Roger Smith (above).

External Contacts