Social Club For Kids (SC4K)


The Social Skills Group is the primary method used to learn and practice appropriate social behaviors. The group provides a structured and supportive setting for members to develop essential skills within the five SEL core competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision-Making.

Social Skills Groups are offered for children ages 6 to 17, with small subgroups comprised of children close in age, at similar developmental levels, with similar cognitive abilities. Groups meet weekly for one hour, with special events and extended opportunities for learning offered throughout the year.

Social Skills Groups address the following essential skills:

  • Conversation skills: listening, self-disclosing, taking turns, staying relevant.
  • Nonverbal communication skills: respecting personal space, making eye contact, using appropriate body language, facial expressions and gestures.
  • Self-regulation/Self-management skills: keeping calm, balancing thoughts and emotions, modulating tone of voice.
  • Focus & Attention: being fully present and "tuned in" when interacting with others.
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: recognizing, labeling, understanding, and expressing feelings effectively to foster connection and support.
  • Making and maintaining friendships: approaching and initiating conversation, sharing appropriately, complimenting, respecting differences, maintaining boundaries, accommodating and apologizing when necessary.
  • Problem solving skills: analyzing, brainstorming, collaborating, and executing a solution-focused plan. Responding appropriately to teasing, rejection and disappointment.
  • Assertiveness and Conflict Management: communicating with clarity, negotiating, compromising, and repairing disconnection.

In a Social Skills Group, your child will learn how to:

  • Form and maintain friendships and social networks
  • Take turns speaking without interrupting others
  • Improve eye contact during conversation
  • Respect others’ personal space and boundaries
  • Think before acting and reduce impulsivity
  • Use an appropriate tone of voice in a given situation
  • Share well with others and cooperate on tasks
  • React appropriately to losing games or being rejected
  • Communicate assertively and stand up for oneself without aggression