Healthy Lifespan

Family and Child Health

Prenatal Care Coordination

Prenatal Care Coordination (PNCC) helps pregnant women get the support and services they need to have a healthy baby.

71% increase in PNCC
clients in 2019


Safety is a core focus area for WCHD and the reason we are a part of the Safe Kids Fox Valley Coalition. To help assure access to safe environments, car seats and cribs are offered to persons in need. There are 6 certified car seat technicians that teach parents and guardians how to properly place car seats.

Increased car seat and crib distribution in 2019

Breastfeeding Advocacy

WCHD supports facilities throughout the county that are interested in educating staff and adapting policy to become more breastfeeding friendly for their employees. In 2019, we began outreach to area businesses to promote our Breastfeeding Friendly Worksites program. Six daycare centers were also re-designated as Breastfeeding Friendly for a total of 12 centers in the county.

First Five Fox Valley

Our work with First Five Fox Valley continued with the support of a Basic Needs Giving Partnership Grant. A pilot was completed with the participation of a local school, family practice clinic and child care center. This allowed us to develop a replicable process for completing developmental screens and effectively engaging families in referrals when needed. A database was selected and purchased for collecting, sharing and analyzing developmental screening data from the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). This work will continue and expand in 2020.

State of the Child

WCHD and community partners, including Valley Packaging Early Intervention Services, Oshkosh Area School District and UW Oshkosh Head Start came together to examine risk factors, data, trends and key measures in our community. This information will be used strategically with key stakeholders, funders and community partners to address gaps in testing and services and target our efforts to improve the lives of our youngest and most vulnerable citizens.

Check out the Winnebago County State of the Child Report.

Final_State of the Child_Annual Report.pdf

Promoting Healthy Aging

Managing Falls & Chronic Conditions

Wisconsin’s Burden of Injury Report states that falls are the most common cause for injury in Winnebago County and our rates are higher than state averages.

In 2019, a Basic Needs Giving Partnership funded a community collaborative effort that aimed to understand how older adult falls in the Oshkosh area could be prevented. WCHD collaborated with Oshkosh area organizations to assess existing fall prevention resources, discover gaps and identify pilot projects that would have a greater impact on reducing falls.

Over 200 providers and members of the public attended a Finding Balance Together event that was held in cooperation with the Fall Prevention Coalition.

Wellness Plus

A collaboration of health care professionals, advocates and the community working collaboratively to assure evidence based self-management programs for health and well-being are available, accessible and referred to routinely in Winnebago County.

2019 Successes:

  • Added Healthy Living with Chronic Pain and Powerful Tools for Caregiver classes.

  • Offered a Healthy Living with Diabetes class to all employees of Neenah, Winneconne and Omro school districts through a grant with Wisconsin Education Association Trust.

  • Added 15 new class leaders.

  • New logo, vision and mission.

Nurse Visits to the Housing Authority

The Winnebago County Health Department is contracted by the Winnebago County/Oshkosh Housing Authority (HA) to provide services to residents in subsidized housing in our county. These services exist to assist residents in obtaining an optimal level of health and to help them remain in their independent living residence as long as possible. This valuable partnership has existed for over 25 years and allows residents to be productive, social members of society. Over 1,000 nurse visits were made to HA residents in 2019.

Home Visits

Another focus of the Promoting Health Aging team is preventing hospitalizations and unnecessary ER visits through nurse education, case management and medication management at home visits. Referrals come to public health when other resources have been exhausted. Public health nurses work one-on-one to understand the needs and assist clients to some resolution. WCHD nurses continue to take referrals for adult visits with primary needs related to mental health, management of chronic medical conditions and management of medications.

Access to Health Opportunities

The Wisconsin Well Woman Program provides breast and cervical cancer screening to low income, uninsured or underinsured. The Winnebago County Health Department can help access th3is program for women in the following 9 counties: Calument, Green Lake, Fond du Lac, Marquette, Outagamie, Sheboygan, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago.

Joanne celebrates successful Wellness Coalition activities.

Alana Erickson transitioned from Communication Specialist to Public Health Supervisor of the Health Lifespan Division. Photo: Healthy Lifespan Division, December 2019 (missing Public Health Nurse, Belinda DeGoey)

Car seat fitting station child safety complete!

Winnebago County Child Death review Team received the Keeping Kids Alive Award.

Tri-County HealthWatch Coalition presentation on equity by Susan Garcia Franz.

Back to School Fair resource sharing

Allison Laverty Montag transitioned from WIC breastfeeding peer counselor to a new role focused on maternal child health.