2019 Annual Report

Winnebago County
Public Health

The Winnebago County Health Department is a Level III public health agency, the highest level recognized by state statute. The Health Department is comprised of 6 divisions:

This site will connect you to the work of WCHD as guided by state statues and priorities determined through local data.

What you will find in our Annual Report:

Local health departments are required to provide an Annual Report every year- but how and why we create that report varies by department. Here at the Winnebago County Health Department (WCHD) we want to use these pages to showcase our dedicated staff and share some of the highlights of the previous year. The work depicted in these pages is not an exhausted list of all the things we accomplish day in and day out. If you want to know more about our direct services and how to interact with our programming, visit our website: www.winnebagopublichealth.org.