
A track counter was placed prior to Windy Moor in January 2017 and another in April 2018 on the Lake Rayner side.

The last check  made of the track counters at both locations was in March 2024

These figures are for passes and therefore include those people who both go to past and return the same way. ,however  by combining the figures from both counters and dividing by 2 gives the actual number of people walking. 

Unfortunately the 2022  Rayner counter figure had to be adjusted as line of site had been obscured, possibly be an animal dislodging a rock.

Interestingly, whilst having lunch somewhat above the Lake Rayner counter, four groups walked past  (totaling 9 )and it was guessed that they would all continue over Windy Moor, rather than returning the same way.     

Track counters