Damaged Moor

Map of Damage to Windy Moor

A series of photos have taken of the damage on Windy Moor and comparison photos will be included at the end of the project and in future years to show how the condition of moor improves.

There is a website with the various photopoints at Mount Field and it includes those for Windy Moor. It is this site that holds the detailed information and progress photos.

The sections marked on the map are set out below with an explanation

Windy Moor is 1.2k wide where the track crosses over. Most of this length is in very bad condition.

Report from 24 December 2016

It is 1.8k from Lake Fenton to the start of Windy Moor and takes about 1:10 to the start of the moor and from there 1.2 k and 0:25 to the very end.

The bulk of distance (950m) is in very poor condition with much braiding, many sections filled with water and plants being trampled and damaged. It is obvious that people avoid walking through the wet locations and circumvent the long muddy sections.

During the traverse waypoints with photos were recorded to allow future monitoring and comparisons once the planking is installed. Different sections were categorised for degradation to help establish the priority for work. A map shows the status.

The flora was very good beside the track to the start of Windy Moor and also in the open valley of the moor, with the Richea scoparia at peak. I quite like the small patch of buttercup near the end of the moor below Mount Field East which grows in a very wet spot and seem to be at risk from trampling or changes to the drainage.

Windy Moor Site BF

Site 5002BF 24/12/2016

Noticeable wear developing on cushion in centre

Site after planking 21 March 2018

Photo Waypoints

Photos of Damage

Includes photos of the waypoints. An album with all photos taken is at this link and includes a number of the flora on the moor.

Site with Photo Waypoints