
Mount Field Walkers Enjoy Improved Windy Moor Crossing

A new boardwalk has been completed at Mount Field National Park, to both protect the fragile alpine plants and improve walker experience.

This ambitious project by the Friends of Mount Field has been completed both on time and on budget. Construction of a top quality boardwalk over Windy Moor now allows walkers to traverse this fragile and valuable place in comfort while no longer causing environmental damage. The project, which took a little over two years from conception to completion, was largely funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund; additionally, there were several other contributors, both groups and individuals.

It is on the walk to Mount Field East Track, which starts at Lake Fenton and involves a gradual uphill climb to and then across Windy Moor. A final steep section leads to the summit of Mount Field East (1274 metres). The Friends of Mount Field have long had an ambition to protect Windy Moor with a boardwalk, preventing further damage and allowing the region to rehabilitate itself. In total the moorland crossing extends for a kilometre and over 900 metres of it now has an all-weather wooden boardwalk raised above the worst of the degraded track.

Following setting up for getting timber, arranging a helicopter and a contractor for laying the boards came the onground work as detailed on these subpages, which can also be reached from the sub pages under the Menu item Actions.

Timber delivery to Windy Moor

Comments Received on the work on windy Moor have been very encouraging. They are included on the main FOMF website along with other comments.

Windy Moor