Windows theme is the default theme now. It can be customised in Preferences > Themes. There you can change back to what used to be Mac theme (now called Minimal), or customise the layout and make your own version.

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There are certainly good reasons for wanting to change the current theme programmatically. E.g. an automated test tool may need to switch between various themes to make sure the application works correctly with all of them.

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As a user, you can change the theme by double-clicking a .theme file in Windwos Explorer and then closing the Control Panel applet that pops up. You can easily do the same from code. The steps below work just fine for me. I've only tested on Windows 7.

I have been experimenting about changing the windows theme via command line and I learned that by executing the theme file it is being applied by the Windows 10 as well. So in your batch file, you could use one of the following lines:

Please note the path to the theme files might be needed to adjust depending on your system user configuration. I strongly advise saving your themes with names excluding spaces as it makes much easier moving forward. Executing such line leaving you with the Settings window opened. To deal with I considered using VBS script instead. Thanks to Patrick Haugh user1390106 there is a much easier way to close the Settings window.

I believe the best you can do is open your target .msstyles file (in c:\windows\resources\themes), which will pop up the display properties box. At this point you could use window subclassing to programmatically click the right buttons.

In addition of the post of "Jan Goyvaerts":I use SendMessage instead of PostMessage. The difference is that SendMessage waits for the command to be taken in by the window. Meaning that in the SendMessages returns, you know that the theme dialog is closed.

So if you start it with the monstrous (but genious) rundll32.exe method suggested by "Campbell". You should wait a sec before sending WM_CLOSE. Otherwise the theme will not be set and the application closes right away.

The code snippet below extracts a file from resource (a themepack). Then executes the desk.cpl with rundll32.exe, waits 3 sceonds, then sends WM_CLOSE (0x0010), waits for the command to be process (the time it takes for the theme to be set).

For a user that logs in, we simply run ChangeTheme.vbs as the user logs in (e.g. autorun). The script starts desk.cpl and passes the required parameters to it as well as the name of the selected theme.

The dark UI background persists despite any changes made in Options. How do I disable this and prevent LO from following the OS without changing the OS app theme itself? This is visually unusable as-is.

The incomplete implementation of the dark theme? Try ticking Enable experimental features in Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Advanced. Possibly, make sure you have selected in Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Application Colours the LibreOffice Dark in the drop down field at the top.

In Windows apps, colors are primarily determined by accent color and theme. In this article, we'll discuss how you can use color in your app, and how to use accent color and theme resources to make your Windows app usable in any theme context.

Color is personal.In Windows, users can choose an accent color and a light or dark theme, which are reflected throughout their experience. You can choose how to incorporate the user's accent color and theme into your application, personalizing their experience.

Since you can execute theme files, you can add the file to run at startup in the registry or also by adding it to the startup folder I think. I have my theme in a read-only folder on the network and added a startup key on the machine. One drawback of using a startup key is that if you look at the startup list in task manager it shows up as "Program" and if there is more than one you can't tell which is which.

The problem with applying a theme to an existing user profile is that the registry key for setting the theme is per user. There is no computer level theme setting as far as I can tell. The user level setting is set with CurrentTheme under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes. Changing the path doesn't seem to change the theme though.

I never found a better solution so I'm using the GPO to apply theme to new user sign-in. For some reason it is not applying all of the settings included in the theme. The slideshow duration is set to 6 hours but new users are set for 30 minutes. I may just add running the theme file to a new user setup script we have and apply it manually for good measure. Another option is a login script you can apply to all users for a time then remove. Or add a logon script to change a system variable when it's applied or check the registry to see if it's applied. There are lots of hacky solutions but nothing provided by Microsoft for existing users unfortunately.

Also, firefox has its own theme, that's why it's not following the windows one, but there are a ton of available themes, and you can choose a good contrast one here: -US/firefox/themes/ There are plenty of white on black themes to choose from

I have RStudio 1.4.1103 on a new Windows 10 machine. Dark themes do not work, any of them (both in Classic or Modern). I googled around but I couldn't find a solution, does anyone has the same issue?

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This is a custom theme that samples colours and replicates as many nuances of the Windows 98 desktop as possible. Ideally I tried to change all the colours to look how 3D modelling software in the 90s would look. Some liberties were taken for the sake of readability. The ZIP download here has two versions of the theme: one for Blender 2.7 and one for 2.8.

The following screenshot should illustrate what I mean. Without any modification from the application side a proper uxtheme based theme would enable all win32 applications to look well in most situations as long as they use colors defined by a theme instead of hardcoded ones.

The issue is not how to detect dark mode, but how to make use of it. All plain win32 applications (no .NET!, UWP, WPF) run within the legacy window frame which uses the uxtheme based themeing from Windows XP. There is no API to modify those elements. This is what I mean with Microsoft being responsible to provide a proper dark mode theme for such kind of apps. Not sure whether they are willing to do so.

I can only find dark and light theme on anki desktop.

Ankidroid has four themes Light, Plain, Dark and Black. I use Black theme on Amoled screen.

When I view cards on desktop it does not feel consistent.

Please include Black theme or guide me to setting if it already has.

I am trying to install a windows theme for all users. I created an MSI that puts the .jpg and .theme files in the respective folder. This installs during the OSD Task Sequence from SCCM. The problem is, it does not activate the theme when a user logs in. I edited the GPO "Load a specific Theme" to this install location and theme. I know the GPO only works when a new user logs in. I have tested this many times with my Engineering team and it still will not activate the theme until "manually" selected.

breeze-hacked-cursor-theme apparently has at least one dead link and It doesn't eg. "Inherits=Breeze" in the "[Icon Theme]" definition.

Do you have the same problems w/ eg. Breeze? What if you inherit that theme and fix the stale symlink?

If i set the theme to "Breeze" in .Xresources and the gtk3.0 settings, it seems to just use the "kde classic" theme for everything except what was using adwaita before(that stuff is still using adwaita).

Only thing is that if you use Firefox or Thunderbird, you will need to install a Stylish theme to change the font color on right click menus in those programs. But all the info is included in the download.

My users started complaining they were seeing black boxes on everything. It's almost like the basic theme has become high contrast, but it's not a high contrast theme... very odd... I had to uninstall and reinstall desktop experience and hope it fixes it. 

this sounds like you have some folder redirect in play and the theme settings from the users workstations are getting set on the RDS session and that particular theme files are not located on the server and triggering that Basic version with bad settings.

We recently had this issue on one of our servers. We found a simple way to resolve this issue that avoids having to delete folder or change the file system permissions. In an administrative command prompt, run "SFC /scannow" and "DISM /online /cleanup-image /resorehealth". These commands check the hashes of the files in the C:\Windows directory to confirm that all of the files are not corrupt. They will notice that the windows basic theme has been changed and will replace it with the correct version from Windows Update servers (or your WSUS server if you have it implemented).

Few months back I customized the hell out of my windows. It felt good for a time being but soon everything felt so broken and out of place when I began to perform my usual tasks. And then some of the tools began to do weird stuff like opening multiple windows, consuming of all of my internet bandwidth in the bg, i uninstalled everything I had installed but the issue persisted, so ultimately i had to reset my pc.

With Custom Cursors, Icons & Sound, these Windows Themes are compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8 and Windows 7. Select a theme, click Download and run the theme pack to activate the theme.

This is a theme that is part of a practical series of app customizations and redesigns aimed at bringing a bold, clear, and consistent user experience to various Windows and Android apps. Its design language is based on Metro and Fluent design systems pioneered by Microsoft Design since the 2010s. 006ab0faaa

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