No live shelling: Be sure shells are empty of the animals that made them or the animals now living in them, and sand dollars, sea stars, and sea urchins are no longer alive before you bring them home.

Oh my gosh, Autumn, that must have been the cutest little hermit crab to fit in the bubble shell! Would love to see your video! You can email it to if you like! Thanks! Kirsti

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Hydatina physis is a species of sea snail, a bubble snail, a marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusk in the family Aplustridae. Its common names include striped paper bubble, green-lined paper bubble, brown-lined paper bubble, and rose petal bubble shell.

This species lives in shallow water, crawling and burrowing into the sand. It feeds on polychaete worms of the family Cirratulidae, mussels and slugs. Its color can vary from very dark to a pale pinkish white. The shell is thin, globose and fragile. The last whorl covers the rest of the whorls.

There is no operculum. The large foot has lateral parapodia (fleshy winglike flaps). The large body cannot be fully retracted into its shell. The sensory mechanisms are well-developed. The egg mass is gathered on the mantle before being attached to the sand by a mucous thread.

More than a year passed. On May 7th, 2017, I had a chance to dive the same site again and so hoped to find the species who laid the eggs. We quickly swam to where I had found the egg mass the year prior, into the shallows (~5m), and hovered over the ocean bottom strewn with bits of shell remains.

Please know that I am not suggesting that this is a rare species. Rather, they are hard to find. Their size makes them hard to see; divers often do not target the sand or shell-covered bottoms where they live; AND . . . . they are often just under the surface.

The bubble shell is immediately recognizable by the wide open curl at the bottom of the aperture. The shell I found was very bleached and worn, and the top was broken. The Bubble is not a rare shell, in fact they can be found all around the state of Florida, according to my reference book. I had never seen one, so this was and exciting find.

I have never found a bubble shell in all my years of beach-combing in Florida, at least not that I can remember. This one just happened to be sitting in the sand at the boat ramp. I casually perused the beach while I waited for my son to park the trailer and there is was.

According to my ID book, bubble shells found in Florida are from the family Bullidae. It is known as a Striate bubble (Bulla striata) and would have been a mottled brown color (see a photo at Bailey-Matthews) before it was bleached white by the elements.

Bulla is a genus of medium to large hermaphrodite sea snails, shelled marine opisthobranch gastropod molluscs. These herbivorous snails are in the suborder Cephalaspidea, headshield slugs, and the order Opisthobranchia.[1]

These snails are popularly known as "bubble snails", and their shells as "bubble shells", because the shell of some of the species is very inflated indeed, almost spherical in shape, and is also very thin and light.

All Bulla species have large, ovate, external shells, which are large enough to accommodate the whole snail when retracted. All species have rather similarly shaped shells, which have a deep, narrow umbilicus at the apex. No operculum is seen.

The smooth shell of Bulla spp. is ovate and expanded, with a deep, sunken involute top. Since little difference exists between the shells and in the morphology of the radular teeth, some uncertainty remains about the exact taxonomy of the species in Bulla.

Historically, since the 18th century and even in the 20th century, the genus name Bulla has been used for a great number of bubble-shelled species that belonged to the order Cephalapsidea. From the mid-20th century, authors began to restrict species to the genus Bulla in its current meaning. Misidentifications were still numerous through high levels of intraspecific variability in the shell, radula, and male genital systems. The monograph by Malaquias & Reid (2008) has offered a systematic revision of this genus and has brought order in this genus [3]

White bubble rosette shells strung together to make a lei. Length ~ 30" with approx. 75 shells

NOTE: When shipping any item with a shell internationally, the US Fish and Wildlife inspection certificate fee is $93 per shipment. This fee is charged for every shipment, whether it includes 1 shell, or 100 shells, the fee is always $93. This fee will be automatically added to your total ONLY when shipping to any address outside of the United States.

This fee applies to loose shells, as well as all items with shell embellishments, such as costumes and jewelry. 

For orders containing multiple items with shells, the $93 fee is only charged only once per shipment.

Nonlinear propagation of ultrasound through microbubble populations can generate artifacts and reduce contrast to tissue ratio in ultrasound imaging. The existing propagation model, which underestimates harmonic generation by an order of magnitude, was revised by incorporating a nonlinear constitutive equation for the coating into the description of the microbubble dynamics. Significantly better agreement with experiments was obtained, indicating that coating nonlinearity represents an important contribution to nonlinear propagation of ultrasound in microbubble populations. The results were found to be sensitive to the parameters characterizing the coating nonlinearity and thus accurate measurement of these parameters is required for accurate quantitative predictions.

We hypothesize that the theoretical propagation model can be significantly improved by including the nonlinear behavior of the bubble shell (Stride, 2005), which was not taken into account in the bubble dynamics models used in the previous studies. The significance of nonlinear shell behavior in the interpretation of experimental data from single bubbles has previously been demonstrated by Marmottant et al. (2005). In the present study, the existing numerical model of nonlinear propagation is revised by taking into account nonlinear shell behavior and the results are compared with experimental measurements.

Nonlinear shell behavior can be described through a variable surface tension term which reflects the variation in surface molecular concentration as the bubble oscillates, the precise form of this relationship depending upon the particular surfactant used (Stride, 2008). In this study, we use the form used by Marmottant et al. (2005) which defines a linear relationship between surface area and surface tension bounded by limiting values at which the shell buckles or ruptures.

The propagation Eq. (1) was solved numerically following that of Hibbs et al. (2007) model using a finite difference scheme, coupled with the bubble dynamics equation using either a constant or variable surface tension. Space and time were discretized into a grid. The step of the spatial grid was 10 m, and the step of the temporal grid was 6.67 ns. These settings were empirically determined and represent a compromise between numerical stability and computational time. A concentration of 4  107 bubbles per liter was used while the estimated bubble concentration in the experiments was between 2.3 and 11.5  107 bubbles. In order to speed up the computation, only one bubble size was assigned to each spatial grid point throughout a total 6 cm length (Hibbs et al., 2007). The size of the bubble at this spatial grid point, together with the set bubble concentration, was used to determine the gas volume fraction for this point. The size was randomly chosen from the native Sonovue size distribution given by Gorce et al. (2000). Bubbles smaller than 1 m or bigger than 10 m in diameter were discarded in this study. The input acoustic pulse for the simulation was determined by the bubble free control measurements of the PI pulse pair acquired by the hydrophone.

Figure 2(a) shows how the frequency spectrum of the pulse changes as it propagates through the microbubble population. The growth of the higher and sub-harmonic signals is clearly demonstrated. Figure 2(b) shows the spectrum of the PI signal after cancellation as the PI pulse pair propagates through the medium. The sub-harmonic, second harmonic, and fourth harmonic signals are clearly visible, while there seem also to be some fractional higher harmonics generated between 2.5 and 3.2 MHz.

Figure 3 shows the variation in the spectrum of the propagated pulse when the buckling radius of the bubbles was varied. It can be seen that this parameter has a significant impact on the propagated pulse. A buckling radius of 2 m generates the largest higher harmonic signals, while with a small buckling radius of 1 m, few higher harmonics were generated. With a large buckling radius of 3 m, the results show a decreased higher harmonic signal amplitude compared with 2 m, indicating some cancellation of the higher harmonic signals between different bubble size populations.

This study is, as far as the authors are aware, the first to take into account the nonlinear character of the microbubble shell in a nonlinear propagation model to address the significant discrepancies between existing models and experiments. The results demonstrate that nonlinear shell behavior can significantly contribute to nonlinear signal generation during propagation; and incorporating this into the propagation model significantly improves agreement with experimental measurements in terms of nonlinear signal generation.

It can be seen that there are still discrepancies between the theoretical and experimental frequency spectra as shown in Fig. 1. One possible reason is the definition of the nonlinear shell model used in this study. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the main parameter (the buckling radius) of the microbubbles plays a key role in determining the frequency composition and amplitude of the propagated pulse. In this study all microbubbles larger than a constant buckling radius are set to buckle at this radius, while in reality the situation would be more complicated and the buckling radius of a microbubble is likely to be dependent on its resting radius. A future study to determine the buckling radii or other nonlinear shell parameters (e.g., shell viscosity) for different microbubble populations through both computational and experimental means would be helpful. It is also possible that a different model of nonlinear shell (e.g., no sharp discontinuities between shell surface tension and surface area) (Stride et al., 2009) could yield better agreement. A further possible reason is the potential difference between the bubble size distribution used in the simulation and that present in the experiments. Bubble size distribution may play a significant role in determining the spectrum of the nonlinearly propagated pulse. The actual size distribution in the experiments could have varied due to many factors (e.g., temperature, gas saturation) and is thus unknown. The variation of the pressure field along the axial direction in the experiments due to diffraction is also not taken into account in the model and/or processing of the measurements. For the discrepancies in the spectrum between simulation and experiments at low frequencies, it should be noted that the sensitivity of the hydrophone used in these experiments is unknown for frequencies below 1 MHz so it is not possible to quantitatively compare the simulation with the experimental measurements at these frequencies. 006ab0faaa

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