Aerospace Applications

Commercial Applications


Boeing 777 Avionics Systems

"Designed and coded embedded Forth kernels to run on Boeing 777 avionics systems. The Forthkernels are used for verification of engineering design, verification of manufacturing, and debugging of failed hardware units. The kernel was written in assembly language for the 68030, 68332, and 80960 microprocessors. I taught introductory Forth programming classes to the hardware design engineers, and assisted with problems in their Forth code. Development was done on a VAX computer using CMS (Code Management System) to track source code development. Debug and integration of the kernel was done using In-Circuit-Emulators."

Robert Blythe

Functional Test Kernels

"Was responsible for embedding Functional Test Kernels (FTK) in all CAS/CMS 777 LRUs. The FTK is a Forth interpreter resident on all Boeing 777 computer boards. Task also required incorporating new Forth features and new hardware for 68xxx series."

Dennis R. Montgomery

original article on : adapted by Peter Forth 2018