Books 8

Publications by Bradford J. Rodriguez :

updated 18 Apr 2014 (added Forth Multitasking in a Nutshell)

A selection of papers I have published, seminars I have presented, and computer programs I have written, that are available on this site. Please note that many of the papers include illustrations -- your browser should support GIF files. Detailed drawings are sometimes offered as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files.

Moving Forth: a series on writing Forth kernels

This series originally appeared in The Computer Journal. Accompanying source code can be found on the CamelForth page.

Multiprocessing for the Impoverished: a multi-6809 system

This series originally appeared in The Computer Journal.

An Embedded Temporal Expert For Control of a Tandem Accelerator

My 1997 Ph.D. dissertation at McMaster University.

Summary articles.

Full text of dissertation. These are all PDF files and require Adobe's Acrobat Reader.

PatternForth: A Pattern-Matching Language for Real-Time Control

My 1989 M.S. dissertation at Bradley University.

Full text of dissertation. These are HTML files with GIF images.

Miscellaneous Papers

You can also see the master index of everything I have written, on or off the web.

Computer Programs

Books 9 th part ->

<--Books of Forth 1st part Books of Assembly Language 1st part ->