Post- Covid Debate

Lets Share/ Lets Talk

Where to from here?

Here are some questions to discuss and find some answers with your club members at your next committee meeting. A good icebreaker activity to get your members talking!!!

  • What does your sports team/club look like now?

  • How are the finances looking? What funding is available (see link below)

  • Whats the club morale like?

  • What does the competition structure look like going forward? Is there one?

  • What are the fitness, motivation, drop off levels of your players? How will you find these out?

  • What does the retention rates of players and volunteers/ members look like? How will you advertise or recruit if necessary?

  • Are people now liking the slower pace or are people ready to get back into action?

  • Have people enjoyed the time in lock down? More relaxed, less hectic?, Grounded? Reflections?

  • What is your biggest concern going forward? And how do you start to overcome that?

  • Where can i go to to find support? WILSS google site has many links to support networks.

Club Meeting Activity

How might i use these questions effectively in my next meeting?

  1. Ask the WHOLE group and discuss together- works better in a small group

  2. Break your members into smaller groups of 3-4 to become EXPERTS they then fed back what they discussed to the whole group.

  3. Pin the questions on the wall ( or on a word DOC if doing a Zoom meeting) and allow each member to individually answer each of the questions. All pages are then bought back together and the person leading the meeting summarises or picks out KEY findings from all the members answers.

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