What do I need for class? Technical Communication

There are not many supplies required for my class. In fact, I have most of what you need in my classroom. However, you might find it helpful to have the following:

1. Some kind of notebook

  • Your notebook will not be graded.
  • I consider not being able to find papers or notes when you need them to be a natural consequence. However, I normally have extra copies of handouts that are not available already online.
  • It does not matter to me what form your notebook takes. Just a folder is fine. I have plenty of folders if you need one.

2. Something to write with

  • A pen or pencil
  • It does not matter what color your pen is, as long as we can all read it.
  • I have extra writing utensils if you don't have one.

3. A positive attitude and good work ethic.

4. Not required but helpful:

  • Earbuds or headphones that can plug into the Chromebooks

If there is something you need in the classroom, just ask--I probably have it, and if I do, you are welcome to use it.