Rules and Procedures Technical Communication

I try to foster a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere of mutual respect in my classroom where everyone feels valued and comfortable learning. To that end, I have created the following guidelines:

Be respectful.

    • Listen quietly and respectfully (and with your phone away) while others are speaking.
    • Do not use profanity or insulting, obscene, rude, or hateful language.

Be present in mind and body.

    • Technical Communication is time for Technical Communication. Please plan to complete work for other classes during SERA or other non-Tech Comm time.
    • It is your responsibility not to allow your electronic devices to sabotage your learning.
    • I write all hall passes. This helps me keep accurate, legible records, and it helps me remember where you went. Passes will be issued to the lavatory and the nurse. If possible, do not interrupt class to ask to use the lavatory.
    • Passes will NOT be issued to other classrooms, coaches, activity/class advisors, etc. Other teachers should issue you a pass to come to them, and these should be limited to SERA.
    • Students gone on the pass longer than ten minutes will receive a warning the first time, and will receive a referral after that.
    • If you are late to first block, please go sign in. It is a school policy.

Respect the classroom and its supplies.

    • You are welcome to borrow anything you find in the room, and if you don't see it, ask. Please return it to the place and condition in which you found it.
    • Please be sure to clean up your area before you leave, including wiping off your desk if you left anything on it. Consider the class coming in after you.
    • You are welcome and encouraged to borrow classroom library books or textbooks. Please sign them out, and return them to me when you are finished so that I can sign them back in.
    • Your seats are assigned or changed at my discretion. Please sit in your assigned seat. No one is assigned to the couches--these are for independent reading of classroom library books when ALL other work is completed.

Practice academic integrity and honesty.

    • Do your own work. This means :
    • Do not copy someone else's work for my class or any other teacher's class in my room.
    • Do not take a picture of your work for someone else to use or lend your work to someone else to copy.
    • Do not turn in work for this class you have used for other classes.
    • Do not use someone else's work as your own.
    • Do not have someone else do your work for you.
    • Do not "borrow," copy and paste, or re-word information from the internet and use it as your own work. If you are using something from a source, give credit to the original author.

Please do not open, use, or spray scented products in the classroom.

    • This includes lotions, hand sanitizers, perfumes, and body sprays. I have a chemical sensitivity that causes me to get migraines from artificial scents. These items can also trigger asthma attacks or allergic reactions in some people.

Regarding the use of technology in the classroom:

  • You will be assigned a computer or Chromebook. This unit is your responsibility for the time you are using it. PLEASE notify me immediately if there is any problem with your computer so that I can address it.
  • If something shows up on your computer that you were not expecting, let me know right away. You are not in trouble, but I need to know.
  • The computers are for Technical Communication work. They are not for playing games or watching off-topic videos. Phone calls/emails home and referrals will be issued for students who are frequently off-task.
  • Please be careful with the computers. Make sure you plug it in properly when you leave so that it will charge for the next student.
  • Do not eat or drink near your computer.
  • Accidents happen with technology. If an accident happens with your computer, don't be afraid to tell me.
  • Sometimes files get lost or disappear. Save frequently. Ask for help AS SOON as you know there is a problem with your file--I can often get it back, but usually only if I find out right away.

Regarding Phone Use:

You should not be on your phone during class. Quickly checking notifications is fine. Spending large amounts of time playing games, watching videos, or doing anything else is NOT.

    • Do not make or receive phone calls in class.
    • Do not take photos or videos in class.
    • Any actions with your phone that are distracting to you or to others are not permitted in class.