
Positive Vibes Only

There's a lot of negative content out there on the internet. Every time you turn on the news there's a doom and gloom story about how the world is ending in a myriad of ways. That content can all be there as there is a time and place for that kind of information, but I feel as though there's a deficit of positive news and aim to only provide that kind of information in the spaces I inhabit. This is a personal preference. People who care about the environment in particular are especially exposed to stories about how dire the climate situation is. To keep spirits up and renew hope in a better future, I'd just like to focus on the solutions and what we can do about it.


It is my intention that customers have lifetime access to updates for each product. If new revisions of the product are made but the product itself hasn't been changed substantially, customers will have access to that. If there is a bundle that includes other items, I would like to make it so that customers could access the rest of a bundle for a reduced price if they have already purchased one of its components.

The Softest Sell

I'm not a fan of hard selling. I get so much anxiety over aggressive kiosk vendors at the mall and people attempting to convince me to buy their products at farmers markets. Personally, I think that as long as enough information is provided about the product, a customer can decide for themselves if they want it or not. I'd much rather sell only to people who would benefit from what I have to offer than try to convince them that they want something they truly don't. So though it may be counter-intuitive to more traditional business teachings, I'd love to try for the softest sell possible when it comes to advertising my products. Let me know what you think!