Academy Physics Engineering Design Projects

Catapult Contest

Design and build a catapult that can launch a tennis ball and land it in a 1-meter target area 15 m away

Tower Contest

Design a 3D printed tower that will hold the most weight per gram

Mousetrap Car Contest

Design and build a toy car powered by a single standard mousetrap to travel the farthest distance in the least amount of time

Mars Lander Contest

Design and build the lightest package that can protect two eggs from breaking when dropped from the second floor

Water Bottle Rocket Contest

Design and build a rocket from a 2-liter bottle that can spend the most time in the air

Musical Instrument Contest

Design and build a homemade musical instrument and play an 8-note scale and a recognizable tune on it

Magnet Car Contest

Design and build a battery-powered car that can pick up paperclips using and electromagnet as it travels

Wind Turbine Contest

Design and build a wind turbine that can generate the highest average voltage in 30 seconds of operation