Academy Science

Academy Physics

Build a Tennis Ball Catapult to Hit a Target

Protect Two Eggs from Breaking from a High Drop

Propel a Car with only a Mousetrap

Academy Physics is the first-year science course for students in the Space and Engineering Academy. Physics is a foundational science course for studies in space science and engineering. 

Physics is the study of energy and the interactions between matter and energy. Physics is about asking fundamental questions about the world around us, and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting. Academy Physics gives students a good foundation in Physics with related Earth Science phenomena. 

Academy Physics emphasizes the applications of physics through special team projects that accompany each unit. They are competitions between teams to see who can design the best projects. The application of physics to space science is also a theme. Academy Physics also provides students with skills and content necessary for further study in science and engineering. 

The following topics are covered: motion, laws of motion, mechanical energy, momentum, gravity and motion in space, waves, light and optics, electricity and magnetism, and nuclear energy. This course meets all California State Science Standards for Physics and Engineering Design, and many California State Science Standards for Earth and Space Sciences. This is one of three science courses that are required for high school graduation. Academy Physics also meets UC and CSU admission requirements for lab science. 

Academy Enhanced Biology

Academy Enhanced Biology is the second-year science course for students in the Space and Engineering Academy.  Biology is the natural science that involves the study of life and living organisms, including their physical and chemical structure, function, development and evolution. 

Academy Biology gives students a good foundation in Biology with related Earth Science phenomena. Engineering practices are integrated through team design projects. A connection to space sciences is made by relating topics to the colonization of Mars. Academy Biology also provides students with skills and content necessary for further study in science and engineering. 

The following topics are covered in Academy Biology: Structure, Function, and Growth (from cells to organisms); Ecosystem Interactions and Energy; Earth’s Atmosphere: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration; Inheritance of Traits; Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity; Ecosystem Stability and the Response to Climate Change; and Biotechnology.

Academy Biology meets all California State Science Standards for Biology and Engineering Design, and many California State Science Standards for Earth and Space Sciences. This is one of three science courses that are required for high school graduation. Academy Biology also meets UC and CSU admission requirements for lab science, and is considered an Honors course for UC admission. 

Build a Solar Cooker and Cook a Hot Dog

Design a Wearable Heart & Respiration Monitor  

Design a Yeast-Powered Car

Academy Enhanced Chemistry

Academy Chemistry is the third-year science course for students in the Space and Engineering Academy. Chemistry is the study of matter – its structure, functions, and interactions. 

Academy Chemistry gives students a good foundation in Chemistry with related Earth Science phenomena. Engineering practices are integrated through team design projects. The application of chemistry to space science is also a theme. Academy Chemistry also provides students with skills and content necessary for additional study in science and engineering. 

The following topics are covered: scientific measurements, combustion, conservation of mass and energy, atomic structure and bonding, Coulomb's law, the internal structure of the earth, feedback loops, thermochemistry, the periodic table, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, Le Chatelier's law, reaction rates, climate change and human effects, solutions, acids and bases, the carbon cycle, and resource management. 

Academy Chemistry meets all California State Science Standards for Chemistry and Engineering Design, and many California State Science Standards for the Earth and Space Sciences. This is one of three science courses that are required for high school graduation. SEA Chemistry also meets UC and CSU admission requirements for lab science, and is considered an Honors course for UC admission.