Garden Club

Volunteers needed!

Did you know Whittier has a lunch time garden club? Students spend a lunch recess working with parent volunteers to plant, weed, or harvest in the garden. Last Fall, we were able to offer this experience twice a week to groups of 8 students at a time.  Kindergarteners through sixth graders demonstrated enthusiasm and excitement as they got their hands a little dirty planting seeds and snacked on carrots and tomatoes straight from the source. Parent (or grandparent!) volunteers are needed to help make this garden club possible. If you are able to help out for one hour sometime between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm (exact time varies by grade), please contact the Garden Club at Many hands make the work light, and even if you can volunteer only once this spring, you are still making a big difference. Don't know much about gardening but still want to help out? Let us know! We'll match you up with one of our more knowledgeable parent volunteers. You can help with just your child's class, or you can help with other classes.  

We need more help with summer care, including weeding and general maintenance. Please fill out this brief survey if you are willing to help out and would like to be kept up to date on garden needs and activities Whittier Community Garden Survey/Encuesta del jardín comunitario de Whittier or email

Community plots available

Although student involvement is a big focus of the Whittier garden, it isn't just for the school! Community members can sow and grow here too! Several plots will be newly available as the garden expands.  If you live in the Whittier school boundary or your children attend Whittier and you would like information about using a garden space this season, please fill out Whittier Community Garden Survey/Encuesta del jardín comunitario de Whittier (yes, it's the same one referred to above) or email