The server slam weekend kicks off at 8pm UK time on 12th May and ends 8pm UK time on 14th May, and is available on PC, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, with couch co-op for consoles and cross-play and cross-progression for all platforms.

When Blizzard opened the gates to the Diablo 4 open beta last month, the servers held up surprisingly well. Queue times were rare and the worst thing you could encounter was lag, especially when trying to cross between zones. That doesn't guarantee that the Server Slam will go well, but there's a significant chance it could.

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Do note that if you have played any previous tests, the Diablo 4 server slam beta will be a smaller download. It will just add an update since the core game files are already present on your system. This is the last bit of beta action before the eagerly anticipated title releases worldwide on June 6.

Can't wait to slay more demons and snap up awesome loot? Or maybe just blast enemies with the Necro's OP skills? We're right there with you. Luckily Blizzard has announced the Diablo IV server slam event from May 12-14, which will offer access to both console and PC players over the 3-day period. The event is free, and does not require players to have pre-ordered Diablo IV.

All progress from the previous closed and open beta tests will not carry over. The server slam wipes the slate clean and you start from scratch, but you can access all five classes. There's an added bonus that neither Xbox LIVE nor PlayStation Plus is required to play the server slam on consoles.

We'd suspected this might be the case since Blizzard seemingly teased the news this week, and now it's official. Diablo 4 is getting a "server slam" open beta from Friday, May 12 to Sunday, May 14. The news was announced during today's Diablo 4 developer livestream. "Come slam our servers," said game director Joe Shely.

Diablo 4, a game where players often seek to enhance their experience with Diablo IV gold, has returned for one final beta weekend with the server slam! Come help stress test the servers and earn yourself cosmetics for doing so.

The Diablo IV Server Slam is more than just a test; it's an invitation to be part of gaming history. So whether you're an old Diablo hand or a newbie who's just hearing about the franchise, get ready for an unforgettable weekend of demon-slaying action! Remember, every server slam, every monster slain, brings us one step closer to the official Diablo IV launch. So, are you ready to slam?

@somnambulance Keep in mind that not all players will game on Zelda. Conversely, not all gamers will play the Diablo IV server slam. Two unique and sizable audiences, some of which can enjoy both games at similar times this weekend.

However, it's important to note that Ashava's appearance is limited to specific intervals. The world boss emerges only at certain scheduled times, referred to as server slams. These predetermined times ensure that players can anticipate and coordinate their efforts accordingly.

If we manage to kill the lumbering world boss Ashava during the server slam, the Ashava's Scream mount trophy will be waiting for us, which we will then also have available in the released game. In addition, we will also get another opportunity to unlock the rewards from the beta tests so far. If we have already done so, we do not have to earn it again. We summarize the possible rewards during the server slam again:

With that being said, it actually gives everyone a fair start when the game does finally come out. At least no one has to play catch against others who participated in this server slam. Besides, Blizzard will still have to reset the servers upon launch, so there's definitely no way to keep your save data around for the full game.

In any case, there's still time for you to participate in the server slam as it runs for the rest of the day today. Not being able to keep your save data for the full game doesn't necessarily mean that participating in the server slam was a complete waste of time. No, there are prizes for participating in the server slam, especially if you manage to beat the game's first-world boss, Ashava. e24fc04721

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